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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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17 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight . The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

Very much a possibility !!!.....

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41 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight .

I think you could be onto something here. Had we only opened a series of Little Chefs on the main route between Kabul and Kandahar things could all have turned out so differently.


43 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

Oh, I see a conspiracy theory ...

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight . The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

Biden does seem to have a soft-spot for terrorists... what with his IRA sympathies.

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight . The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

fear pure and simple, religious fear and the indoctrination from birth.

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According to the three latest polls - RealClear Politics.


Job Approval - Joe Biden



Approve 43  Disapprove 51



Approve 46  Disapprove 47



Approve 42  Disapprove 56


Joe's average approval rating is now below that of OrangeManBad, at the same point of his first term.


What happened?


They have no excuses.


With the Democrats in Charge of both House of Congress, and the White House, we should be seeing the beautiful future they promised, starting to unfold in front of our very eyes!



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17 hours ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight . The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

The invasion of this country by religious nutcases started decades ago but it's being done by stealth. We have over 3 million Muslims in this country imposing their culture  instead of integrating and assimilating, and our capital city has a Muslim mayor. We used to fight off foreign invaders but now we give them a free taxi service into Kent and put them up in four star hotels.

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17 hours ago, cuttsie said:

If a army of 75.000 religious nut cases decided to attack we in England they would not get as far as the first motor way service station , so how as that rag tag illiterate mob managed to take over 40 million people without a fight . The whole story stinks of pre planning by the departing occupiers .

Some may or may not be nut cases, but i doubt that the bulk of them are. They do seem to be fairly religeous though it's hard to know for certain, and i imagine the bulk aren't illiterate either.  They seem to be fairly well organised and have some sort of coherent organisational structure so rag tag and mob don't seem to be appropriate descriptions for them either. 


There are various groups opposing the Taliban and their control over the country is my no means complete.  Most of these opposing groups aren't a great deal better than  the Taliban and many are significantly worse. 


The Afghan army may not have put up much of a fight but that may not be as surprising as it seems based on the report linked to below. 




To go back to Biden, then he inherited a deal which his predecessor made. He was faced with the choice of breaking America's word, I doubt many in Afghanisatan would appreciate the distinction between his and Trump's word. In addition, and doing so would almost certainly have resulted in an increase in attacks against all the people in Afghanistan I believe withdrawl was one of his campaign promises. 


One of the things, we need to know in order to judge the witthdrawl but I doubt we will ever find out is just how much the western governments knew about the shakiness of the the state and the reality on the ground. 


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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

Joe's average approval rating is now below that of OrangeManBad, at the same point of his first term.




Bidens average approval rating is over 8 points higher than Trump at the same point of his first term.




Edited by Magilla
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