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Joe Biden The New President Thoughts So Far?

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28 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Can you name any current elected politicians in the USA or UK who promotes far right policies? One's that compare to the BNP and KKK?


There are individuals and small groups, there always will be, that are really far right, not the made up version, but they are a tiny tiny minority. 


There is nothing wrong with being right wing. Such as Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians. 


They generally believe in-


Small government

Low taxes


Managed immigration

Strong military

Free enterprise

Free speech.


None of that is far right. Anyone who promotes far right policies is destroyed at the ballot box. The left invents this bogyman because their ideas don't hold water so they call other parties racist etc to gain favour with ethnic minorities. This is coming to an end now. Especially with Hispanics in the USA.

A backup was made, the night before an audit? Don't you think they should have told the auditors where it was?

It’s a bit odd that these free market, freedom-loving libertarian types have put a stop to our freedom of movement, our freedom to protest and our ability to trade freely with our European neighbors.

Edited by Mister Gee
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51 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Can you name any current elected politicians in the USA or UK who promotes far right policies? One's that compare to the BNP and KKK?


There are individuals and small groups, there always will be, that are really far right, not the made up version, but they are a tiny tiny minority. 


There is nothing wrong with being right wing. Such as Conservatives, Republicans or Libertarians. 


They generally believe in-


Small government

Low taxes


Managed immigration

Strong military

Free enterprise

Free speech.


None of that is far right. Anyone who promotes far right policies is destroyed at the ballot box. The left invents this bogyman because their ideas don't hold water so they call other parties racist etc to gain favour with ethnic minorities. This is coming to an end now. Especially with Hispanics in the USA.




Politicians who are ultranationalist, chauvinist, abusers of  individual and collective rights, xenophobes, advocates of political violence, religious intolerance, racism, homophobia,  etc., etc. are reported in the MSM almost daily- you should read them.

To have influence you do not need to be elected, the far-right, alt-right, populists etc., backed with $millions have no interest in your version of utopia, yet you seem to feed off their propaganda and be a willing helper in spreading their message. 







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6 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:



Politicians who are ultranationalist, chauvinist, abusers of  individual and collective rights, xenophobes, advocates of political violence, religious intolerance, racism, homophobia,  etc., etc. are reported in the MSM almost daily- you should read them.

To have influence you do not need to be elected, the far-right, alt-right, populists etc., backed with $millions have no interest in your version of utopia, yet you seem to feed off their propaganda and be a willing helper in spreading their message. 







That is a damn fine post.

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

"They misrepresent what they see because they don’t understand what they’re looking at.":



Coincidentally, also the general theme of your posts! :?


Who do you think "they" are?


"They" is the GOP controlled county... Trumps people, not Dominion... you know that right? :?

Let's get the the crux of the matter. Ignore the Arizona Republican Board of Supervisors they are the most corrupt 5 people in the USA. You are getting all your information from Trump hating media. I have watched many hearings, court and state, experts also gave opinions. The experts weren't Bob and Joe from Facebook. There was the person who invented emails, cyber crime experts who had worked for the US government and many more. They know their stuff. I've listened to many hours of in person statements from the very people who worked on the election, probably about 30/40 hours.


Forget the 2020 election.


Imagine you are an auditor who had requested all election data from those who ran the election. Unbeknown to you they made a backup copy of some of the data and deleted the original (the night before the audit). They then handed all they had to you as you had requested, everything on that server.


Then when you noticed some of the data was missing you asked why it wasn't provided. They replied you didn't ask for data from the other server so they didn't offer it. 


Does that sound an honest way to act?


These same people reused to hand over the routers and only in the last few weeks the AG has got hold of them. He's now carrying out an investigation. Why are they afraid of the auditors seeing who logged onto the system. They've said a hundred times the machines aren't connected to the internet.


There is a massive cover up going on and it's probably the biggest crime in the history of the world. You may think nothing is happening and the issue will go away. That's because the MSM don't cover anything that brings the fraud into the public eyes. There are many court cases and audits happening in 5 states.


Please don't say all the previous judges threw the case out because there wasn't any evidence, no doubt with a link to some Democrat enabling media company, because it's crap.


We'll have to wait and see but I am confident the fraud will be proved eventually. I'm that certain they cheated I would stake my life on it.


It seems a massive task to fix an election because the USA is such a big place. But it's not. As here there are swing states, in these swing states there are massive cities, run by Democrats, that supply most of the votes. All they had to do was fix these cities that did the counting.


It's a bit of a coincidence that in all of these places they stopped counting at 2.00am for a variety of reason, water leak, exhausted polling staff etc. All 5 stopped counting. Anyone who has followed the hearings and statements now knows they did this so they could assess how many votes Biden needed to win. So they shipped the votes in. There are many witnesses, long standing poll workers who have mad statements about trucks arriving in the middle of the night. One lady in her 60s had worked in every election for 30 years made a statement in a hearing that large numbers of the ballots were not on official paper.


The cheating was intense-

They stuffed the ballot box

Switched votes on the machines

Change the rules illegally on mail in ballots.

Mark Zuckerberg channelled money into 'charity' which then funded the election (selectively)

Voted for dead people

Voted for people who had moved out of state

Made up names of voters who were registered at parking lots etc and voted for them

Registered hundred of ballots at buildings like homeless shelters and care homes and then voted for them

Sent ballots to anyone who has ever registered in Democrat areas. Knowing the new occupier would probably vote Democrat based on their previous votes.

Sent ballots to people under 18.


It is so obvious what happened!



Edited by SheffieldBricky
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48 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:



Politicians who are ultranationalist, chauvinist, abusers of  individual and collective rights, xenophobes, advocates of political violence, religious intolerance, racism, homophobia,  etc., etc. are reported in the MSM almost daily- you should read them.

To have influence you do not need to be elected, the far-right, alt-right, populists etc., backed with $millions have no interest in your version of utopia, yet you seem to feed off their propaganda and be a willing helper in spreading their message. 







Can we have some names please and an example of them being far right?

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44 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Let's get the the crux of the matter. Ignore the Arizona Republican Board of Supervisors they are the most corrupt 5 people in the USA. You are getting all your information from Trump hating media. I have watched many hearings, court and state, experts also gave opinions. The experts weren't Bob and Joe from Facebook. There was the person who invented emails, cyber crime experts who had worked for the US government and many more. They know their stuff. I've listened to many hours of in person statements from the very people who worked on the election, probably about 30/40 hours.

Oh really!



V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai (born Vellayappa Ayyadurai Shiva,[2] December 2, 1963) is an Indian-American engineer, politician, entrepreneur, anti-vaccine activist, and promoter of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience and unfounded medical claims.




Ayyadurai is notable for his widely disputed claim of being the "inventor of email".[75] His claim is based on an electronic mail software called "EMAIL", an implementation of interoffice email system, which he wrote as a 14-year-old student at Livingston High School, New Jersey in 1979.[21][76][note 1] Initial reports that repeated Ayyadurai's assertion—from organizations such as The Washington Post and the Smithsonian Institution—were followed by public retractions.[21][77] These corrections were triggered by objections from historians and ARPANET pioneers who pointed out that email was already actively used in the early 1970s.[18]


We can see why you like him though.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ayyadurai became known for a social media COVID-19 disinformation campaign; spreading conspiracy theories about the cause of COVID-19; promoting unfounded COVID-19 treatments; and campaigning to fire Anthony Fauci for allegedly being a so-called "deep state" actor.


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5 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

Let's get the the crux of the matter. Ignore the Arizona Republican Board of Supervisors they are the most corrupt 5 people in the USA. You are getting all your information from Trump hating media. I have watched many hearings, court and state, experts also gave opinions. The experts weren't Bob and Joe from Facebook. There was the person who invented emails, cyber crime experts who had worked for the US government and many more. They know their stuff. I've listened to many hours of in person statements from the very people who worked on the election, probably about 30/40 hours.


Forget the 2020 election.


Imagine you are an auditor who had requested all election data from those who ran the election. Unbeknown to you they made a backup copy of some of the data and deleted the original (the night before the audit). They then handed all they had to you as you had requested, everything on that server.


Then when you noticed some of the data was missing you asked why it wasn't provided. They replied you didn't ask for data from the other server so they didn't offer it. 


Does that sound an honest way to act?


These same people reused to hand over the routers and only in the last few weeks the AG has got hold of them. He's now carrying out an investigation. Why are they afraid of the auditors seeing who logged onto the system. They've said a hundred times the machines aren't connected to the internet.


There is a massive cover up going on and it's probably the biggest crime in the history of the world. You may think nothing is happening and the issue will go away. That's because the MSM don't cover anything that brings the fraud into the public eyes. There are many court cases and audits happening in 5 states.


Please don't say all the previous judges threw the case out because there wasn't any evidence, no doubt with a link to some Democrat enabling media company, because it's crap.


We'll have to wait and see but I am confident the fraud will be proved eventually. I'm that certain they cheated I would stake my life on it.


It seems a massive task to fix an election because the USA is such a big place. But it's not. As here there are swing states, in these swing states there are massive cities, run by Democrats, that supply most of the votes. All they had to do was fix these cities that did the counting.


It's a bit of a coincidence that in all of these places they stopped counting at 2.00am for a variety of reason, water leak, exhausted polling staff etc. All 5 stopped counting. Anyone who has followed the hearings and statements now knows they did this so they could assess how many votes Biden needed to win. So they shipped the votes in. There are many witnesses, long standing poll workers who have mad statements about trucks arriving in the middle of the night. One lady in her 60s had worked in every election for 30 years made a statement in a hearing that large numbers of the ballots were not on official paper.


The cheating was intense-

They stuffed the ballot box

Switched votes on the machines

Change the rules illegally on mail in ballots.

Mark Zuckerberg channelled money into 'charity' which then funded the election (selectively)

Voted for dead people

Voted for people who had moved out of state

Made up names of voters who were registered at parking lots etc and voted for them

Registered hundred of ballots at buildings like homeless shelters and care homes and then voted for them

Sent ballots to anyone who has ever registered in Democrat areas. Knowing the new occupier would probably vote Democrat based on their previous votes.

Sent ballots to people under 18.


It is so obvious what happened!



Of course it is.

All proved free of charge by those nice 'far-right' websites, twitter accounts etc. which churn out the fodder you reproduce.

You will find lots of 'far-right' names on your 'far-right' websites, twitter accounts etc. unless they are anonymous.


It is easy to tell as they use all the Conspiracy Theory words in order to undermine Democracy and unlike your description of  a democratic right wing party, they support:


Presidential directive that can overturn the Constitution

Small  unelected government 

No taxes for business

Unfettered Capitalism 

Managed immigration for cheap labour

Strong military to suppress commies

Free enterprise without responsibility

Free speech for the selected

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3 minutes ago, altus said:

Oh really!



We can see why you like him though.


Load of crap. Anyone can edit Wiki. I haven't even looked because I can guess.

3 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Of course it is.

All proved free of charge by those nice 'far-right' websites, twitter accounts etc. which churn out the fodder you reproduce.

You will find lots of 'far-right' names on your 'far-right' websites, twitter accounts etc. unless they are anonymous.


It is easy to tell as they use all the Conspiracy Theory words in order to undermine Democracy and unlike your description of  a democratic right wing party, they support:


Presidential directive that can overturn the Constitution

Small  unelected government 

No taxes for business

Unfettered Capitalism 

Managed immigration for cheap labour

Strong military to suppress commies

Free enterprise without responsibility

Free speech for the selected

Garbage. None of that is far right.

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57 minutes ago, SheffieldBricky said:

The cheating was intense-

. . .

Voted for dead people

You got that from an episode of the Simpsons 🙄


You should have kept your earlier forum names quiet.  I thought you only posted unverified nonsense, but unfortunately you’ve openly admitted to being an idiot,

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4 minutes ago, The Joker said:

You got that from an episode of the Simpsons 🙄


You should have kept your earlier forum names quiet.  I thought you only posted unverified nonsense, but unfortunately you’ve openly admitted to being an idiot,

Says the man pretending to be a Batman character 😂😂

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