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Knee Replacement Surgery The Pros And Cons And The Risks?

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 Has anyone on this forum had an knee replacement surgery ? 

What I would like to known is your experience of such surgery was it good or bad did it deliver the result you wanted?


I had an work accident some years ago which damaged one of my knees the damage can not be repaired though normal surgery I was only in my early 20s at the time of accident. Over the years I have been on powerful pain killers but over time they have become less useful pulse the mental side of things - got depression.


On a recent GP appointment I have been told I can have an knee replacement ( perhaps not on the horizon just yet due to the pandemic) this would be life changing for me I have heard mixed reports on replacement surgeries but would like to hear from people on their experience. Thanks


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Hello...  I had a full knee replacement around 9 years ago... at 65 years old..   the pain killers for me helped less as time went along.. it has been a success..  the constant pain disappeared ..  the only difference  ( to me ) - is  that the joint is not as flexible as before.. but I feel a lot depends on how much work the recipient puts into exercising the joint after the op.  I had an epidural injection and  I asked them to put 'plenty in'  I think they did because  I was almost out cold with no recollection of any procedure going on... following the Op. it was about 2 months before I could feel comfortable with walking normally again... I don't expect the repair to last a lifetime.. but so far so good... feel free to ask any questions...  Cheers.. 

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Definitely have it done,  I have had both knees done and and it really is life changing.  I go out walking every night about 10,000 steps every day.  As someone said before, not as flexible as before but not pain. Another tip is take turmeric capsules every day I personally find it reduces the pain of arthritis, which I have in other places.  The op itself is ok bit painful for about a couple of weeks afterwards, but do your physio and you should be ok. Good luck

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15 hours ago, GabrielC said:



On a recent GP appointment I have been told I can have an knee replacement ( perhaps not on the horizon just yet due to the pandemic) this would be life changing for me I have heard mixed reports on replacement surgeries but would like to hear from people on their experience. Thanks


While you are waiting for the op, might be worth checking this guys youtube channel out-

he had trashed knees, including partial knee surgery and was told he'd never regain full mobility.  Now he's got world class knees and is rehabilitating professional athletes who also had destroyed knees, and getting them back into high level competition



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I had mine replaced 12 months ago ,was back home the same day ,(big mistake was in agony)  ,it took me around three months to get back on my bike , at first just a couple of miles , then three ,then four and so on , now I can cycle as far as I want ,it some times feels a little stiff after but its just great feeling to get your leg over and peddle again .

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Thanks for the replies if I went ahead I would consider using Balbrough Hospital near Clown been their before but at that time nothing could be done. The one thing I have been told is that an replacement knee only  lasts a certain amount of time before it needs replacing depending on wear and tear how long do they last ? 

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11 hours ago, Padders said:

Pete Morris (moderator at the time) did a fantastic blog on here about his journey having a  knee replacement.

Must be 2/3 years back now, I've tried to find it, but can't.

Does anybody know how to find it.

this is the best i can do Padders, the one you refer to i cannot find the link does not work.


click Knee surgery




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