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Ordinary Sheffielders.

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You have missed that tuft.

We were working on a detached house on Carterknowle Road one nice summer day around 1983 ish '

The family who's name was Newton , or Newman just forget which lived very well with nice car , nice house and nice well mannered children .

But!!!!!!! the husband and wife argued  like cat and dog , they argued about every thing from morning till night .

Not only did they row constantly and in posh accents they swore the the full Monty , from FFFFFFF's to CCCCCC's to  twits and twaaaats .


So ,one morning Mrs N was mowing the lawn , She was a looker and always got our full attention when she was around , We were admiring her grass cutting and complimenting her on straight lines when , Mr N arrived on the scene .


He took in the scene , We waited for the usual comments that always happened when they came into close contact , We were not dissapointed . "You have missed a tuft " stated mr M ,  but  as he said the fatefull words Mrs N was holding the grass catcher box and she threw it , It hit him bang square on the leg and he started rolling all or screaming what a f----------- T------- she was . This time no reply from his other half she just stormed into the house , She reapeared ten minutes later with laundry bag stuffed full of clothes and two crying kids in tow , Jumped into the Jag wound down the window and shouted , Cut your own flipping ???? tufts from now on .


She came back a few days later , We told her to watch her tufts ,She told us to ---- --- , in that lovely way she had of speaking .

Ordinary Sheffielders ????????????.

Edited by cuttsie
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3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

You have missed that tuft.

We were working on a detached house on Carterknowle Road one nice summer day around 1983 ish '

The family who's name was Newton , or Newman just forget which lived very well with nice car , nice house and nice well mannered children .

But!!!!!!! the husband and wife argued  like cat and dog , they argued about every thing from morning till night .

Not only did they row constantly and in posh accents they swore the the full Monty , from FFFFFFF's to CCCCCC's to  twits and twaaaats .


So ,one morning Mrs N was mowing the lawn , She was a looker and always got our full attention when she was around , We were admiring her grass cutting and complimenting her on straight lines when , Mr N arrived on the scene .


He took in the scene , We waited for the usual comments that always happened when they came into close contact , We were not dissapointed . "You have missed a tuft " stated mr M ,  has he said the fatefull words Mrs N was holding the grass catcher box and she threw it , It hit him bang square on the leg and he started rolling all or screaming what a f----------- T------- she was . This time no reply from his other half she just stormed into the house , She reapeared ten minutes later with laundry bag stuffed full of clothes and two crying kids in tow , Jumped into the Jag wound down the window and shouted , Cut your own f---------, tufts from now on .


She came back a few days later , We told her to watch her tufts ,She told us to ---- --- , in that lovely way she had of speaking .

Ordinary Sheffielders ????????????.

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Keep em coming Cuttsie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anita . Anita Anita the name runs of your tongue like a song dun't it .

Anita Pawson was a pub land lady , She and her husband Kieth ran Wards pubs for many years .


She was a old fashioned kind of land lady , you know ,the frocks , the make up the banter she could mix it with the best off them .

The pubs she ran inc The Bridge at Heeley bottom bang on the river . Then The Nags Head at Shales moor .(her longest  tenancy and most popular pub) . Then finally The Tea Garden  at  Pitsmoor .


I got to know Anita well in the early 80's and she was shinning light who made me laugh every time I entered that side door into the Nags tap room .

Anita and Kieth were famous for one thing in the Sheffield pub trade , that is what was known as AFTER BIRD !!!!!!!! after bird was the time when all other pubs had shut their doors at what the law considered to be closing time but this  law some how passed over Anita's head , after 11 pm was when she and the pub came alive .


Jack the lads from over Town would converge on the Nags every Friday , Saturday and Sunday night knowing that they would be able to stay into the wee small hours or until Anita told them to go home which was usually when she had had enough of her favourite tipple Courvossier brandy from the top shelf as she called it .


If you uttered the words ," and one for your self love " then you had better get your wallet out because the answer was always the same " Oh how kind of you my dear a little one from the top shelf if you don't mind "  and that bottle of French brandy would be stretched for and lovingly pored into her favourite schooner glass .


Anita did not  suffer fools at all, She called a spade a spade .

I have seen the local so called hard men enter the Nags and start thinking they were going to be the usual centre of attention only to be swiftly brought down to Earth by Anita , 

I was in one Friday when one character who was the well known for dishing out his sort of settling a argument by landing a a unsuspecting acquaintance a crack on the jaw . This guy walked in on this particular Friday at bang on 11 PM , did his usual look around  then the words ,"four pints love" 

"Not in here that not " said Anita , It went very quiet , "What does that mean" said our celebrity , Tha heard replied Anita "Go where thas been drinking all night whats tha think this place is a charity " 


Now a bloke would probably not have got away with it but this was Anita talking , eye to eye unblinking , You could have heard a pin drop , then big time Charley's crombies and all did a about turn and walked out the way they had walked without a word , Anita reached for top shelf looked around and said "whats your lot looking at " job done .


Bang across from Naggs head was The Ship Inn , (still there now a yuppie pub) .


Certain customers also used the Ship , The Ship did not do after bird so these certain few got into the habit of supping up at say 10-45 pm in there then coming across the road to get after time in the Nags , Anita got fed up with this thinking that they had been spending all the money in the Ship then useing the Nags just for late drinkies. ,She was right .


Any way one weekend at around 10 pm she put on her coat looked around us lot and said "righto its time to go across road and put cards ont table " 


My self and Jack Wasden accompanied her just for a laugh that we knew was coming .

We entered , Anita bought three halves looked around and the pointed , 'thee , thee, thee thee thee ,thee, her ,her ,her and her ," she said hand on hips , don't bother supping up qwick in here because from now on you al barred int Nags Head .

Downed her half and walked out followed by me and Jack pithing our selves .. 

more to come 







Edited by cuttsie
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