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Ordinary Sheffielders.

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1 hour ago, Padders said:

I can't Judd,

Wish I could...

To make it authentic and funny it would involve some rather juicy language and racist comments....

All I can tell you is it involved a Dwarf with a limp, A black coloured gentleman, A bus driver, and a massage parlour...

Thats a Benny Hill sketch  😂😂😂

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I started "boozing"  around 17 yrs old, up town, Red Lion, West St. Etc.

When I was 18 I had graduated to start drinking in my local  "The Penguin".

The Shiregreen estate had an abundance of pubs, each and everyone had its own characters, sad to say not one pub is left on the Shiregreen....

The Penguin had its fair assortment of characters, one guy a window cleaner, was known as "Wesh Leather" to this day I never knew his proper name?

Then there was Fred, the local ragman who used to tether his horse and cart to the railings while he nipped in for a swift half a dozen.

Then there was Bob the Knob...

This poor soul was a survivor of the Japanese POW camps... his party trick was to rest a lighted cigarette on his leg and feel no pain.

A legacy of the torture he endured at the hands of the Japs...

His legs were covered in cigarette burns, but he was rewarded with many a free pint...


Now on a warm summers evening, we would stand outside having a drink, on many occasions we would see a dog heading towards us, this dog used to have a bag around its neck and a matchbox in its mouth...

This dog would wait outside the Off licence, and when the door was opened he'd nip inside.

The matchbox contained some money, the landlord would take the money, and place a couple of beers in the bag along with a bag of crisps.

The dog would then set off back home up Bellhouse Rd to deliver the beer to its owner...

The dog was a Black Labrador, I wouldn't mind having a dog like that...

Happy Daze indeed..


PS.  give us a like.

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  • 1 month later...

Some of the ordinary Sheffielders had nicknames.

I knew many people with nicknames, but never knew their real name...

Take Alf,

Alf was a smashing bloke, although lacking a bit upstairs, a bit dim, which probably accounts for him being a bus driver most of his life.

Now Alf worked at the Herries Rd bus depot, and way back in the day the lads used to run a trip to the Earls Court motor show in London. 60s/70s

This trip was an excuse for the lads to escape the wives, and have a good booze up.

After a few years of deceiving their wives (and getting away with it) they decided to upgrade the "outing" to a weekend in Amsterdam.

I myself was fortunate to attend one of these (outings) in 1973.

I'm afraid I can't go into any detail of that weekend, what happened in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam...

Anyway up, these outings were that successful they decided to go the full Monty, HAMBURG was the chosen destination..


Hamburg is a very enlightened city, especially in the trousered department, nudge, nudge, wink, wink..

This city is abound with sex shops and houses of ill repute...

Alf, fancied a bit of how's your father, and decided to try his luck.


After a heavy nights drinking, Alf stumbled across one of these emporium's and decided to pay a visit.

He was confronted by some very beautiful ladies who, for a small fee offered their services..

One "lucky" lady managed to bag Alf, and of they went upstairs to the lady's boudoir.

Oh dear, poor old Alf, payed his money and fell asleep..

She shook him, punched him, chucked a bucket of cold water over him, all to no avail, he wouldn't wake up..


So she sent for security,

Two big crouts arrived and promptly chucked him down the rubbish chute, where he spent the night..

Alf arrived at the breakfast table the next morning, smelling like Ugh! and with various un-mentionable's on his person..

After that episode, he became known as BROTHEL BIN ALF.

Does anyone else know of unusual nicknames?

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16 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Porno Pete , he had a mucky book shop across from the Lacarno . Every one called him Porno .

Flambrough , A bricklayer real name Mick Atkins from Parkgate , self explanatory that one .


6 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

What year would that be Cuttsie roughly 'll do.

1985 ish . Rockers .





Bone head , A drinker who frequented the Nags Head on Shales Moor .


Shaggers , A old timers who frequented The Round House Heeley Green  another self explanatory .

Edited by cuttsie
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5 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Flambrough , A bricklayer real name Mick Atkins from Parkgate , self explanatory that one .


1985 ish .

Bone head , A drinker who frequented the Nags Head on Shales Moor .

Bet you know plenty Cuttsie.

Bellhouse WMC club..

2 snooker tables...

Guy needs to pot the black...

He hammers the cue ball that hard, it flies of the table, hits the lampshade, and goes in the pocket on the other table...

He was forever known as "Pot Black"

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12 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Flambrough , A bricklayer real name Mick Atkins from Parkgate , self explanatory that one .


1985 ish . Rockers .





Bone head , A drinker who frequented the Nags Head on Shales Moor .


Shaggers , A old timers who frequented The Round House Heeley Green  another self explanatory .

Youve lost me with the Flambrough  one  :huh:

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Just now, hackey lad said:

Youve lost me with the Flambrough  one  :huh:

Flambro Head in North Yorkshire its a big head of land jutting out into the sea, Mick was always known as Flambro because he knew it all .



Here is another . The Milky Bar Kid , A foreman bricklayer who worked on the Hyde Park Flats for the Public Works Dept .

"Watch it Milky bars on his rounds "  the lads would shout . 


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