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Ordinary Sheffielders.

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Tosh Wild , or to give him his proper name Charles Antony Wild .


I was in the Rose house on SouthRoad , Walkley  one Friday night in 1969 ,

There was a lot of laughter and commotion coming from a corner of the tap room and I shoved in just in time to see one of the funniest thing s I have ever see even to this day , A fart lighting contest . 

This entailed dropping ones trousers and attempting to light a fart , two of the three who entered the contest had failed miserably until Tosh jumped in ,dropped his trousers and  just as big Gilbert Hartley lit the Ronson a blue flame shot across the room , In seconds amid scorched pants every onlooker was doubled up in laughter , tears were running down faces , beer was spilled . Tosh was the undisputed fart lighting champion of that pub . A pub that was a legend due to the the tricks played by both Landlord Bernard Frith and his customers . 

So that was how I first met Tosh .


A few weeks later due to getting more and more fiddle jobs or jobs for locals at the weekend I decided to go self employed and straight away the jobs started piling in so I needed help just to keep up.

I mentioned to Tosh that I had got a dormer window roof conversion to start on Cundy Street but I was not sure how to actually undertake it as I was not a joiner or slater, 

"I gi thi a hand wi that " said Tosh "no problem , 

So the next Monday us two were staring up at a roof on Cundy Street holding roof plans of the proposed dormer. 

We had a tool bag containing hammers ,saws ,levels and so on , my  ford Cortina mark one reg no ALF21B and little else .

"Ok Tosh " 'Whats the first step " I asked .

"How the ++++ do I know " said Tosh "never done one in mi life " 

So started a partnership that lasted many years .

to be continued . 

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14 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Tosh Wild , or to give him his proper name Charles Antony Wild .


I was in the Rose house on SouthRoad , Walkley  one Friday night in 1969 ,

There was a lot of laughter and commotion coming from a corner of the tap room and I shoved in just in time to see one of the funniest thing s I have ever see even to this day , A fart lighting contest . 

This entailed dropping ones trousers and attempting to light a fart , two of the three who entered the contest had failed miserably until Tosh jumped in ,dropped his trousers and  just as big Gilbert Hartley lit the Ronson a blue flame shot across the room , In seconds amid scorched pants every onlooker was doubled up in laughter , tears were running down faces , beer was spilled . Tosh was the undisputed fart lighting champion of that pub . A pub that was a legend due to the the tricks played by both Landlord Bernard Frith and his customers . 

So that was how I first met Tosh .


A few weeks later due to getting more and more fiddle jobs or jobs for locals at the weekend I decided to go self employed and straight away the jobs started piling in so I needed help just to keep up.

I mentioned to Tosh that I had got a dormer window roof conversion to start on Cundy Street but I was not sure how to actually undertake it as I was not a joiner or slater, 

"I gi thi a hand wi that " said Tosh "no problem , 

So the next Monday us two were staring up at a roof on Cundy Street holding roof plans of the proposed dormer. 

We had a tool bag containing hammers ,saws ,levels and so on , my  ford Cortina mark one reg no ALF21B and little else .

"Ok Tosh " 'Whats the first step " I asked .

"How the ++++ do I know " said Tosh "never done one in mi life " 

So started a partnership that lasted many years .

to be continued . 

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:.

Love your posts Cuttsie, think you have to be of a certain age to appreciate your musings.

As you say, there was some characters about in the 50/60s.. mostly found in the Tap Rooms of old (do they still have Tap Rooms)

Most had nicknames, one such Shiregreen lad was the local window cleaner "Wesh Leather" to this day I've never known his proper name.

Anyway when ever "Wesh Leather" walked into the pub, you could guarantee mayhem would follow...

On one occasion, he bought his pint and put it on the table, someone distracted him for a moment, and one of the lads slipped a live frog into his glass.

Without blinking an eyelid, "Wesh Leather" supped his pint, went to the bar with the frog in the bottom of the glass, and ordered a refill.

You couldn't make it up.

Another guy whose name I never knew was "Pot Black" 

Apparently he was playing snooker at Bellhouse WMC , he potted a red and nominated Black, he hit the black ball with such force it flew of the table, bounced of the wall, and landed on the adjacent table, where it rolled into the pocket.

Happy days Cuttsie.


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It must be a bit soul destroying at times, mate. 
You write these epic posts that it seems a diminishing number of forummers can genuinely relate to which means you’re destined to get little response 

Theres still a handful of posters over 70 who, like me, enjoy being transported back to those times by your quirky little tales.

I admire your stickability

Long may it continue 

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8 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

It must be a bit soul destroying at times, mate. 
You write these epic posts that it seems a diminishing number of forummers can genuinely relate to which means you’re destined to get little response 

Theres still a handful of posters over 70 who, like me, enjoy being transported back to those times by your quirky little tales.

I admire your stickability

Long may it continue 

Cheers Dreb ,we were encouraged by others and the new owners to make the forum work after the amnesty that allowed us lot back that had done now't wrong in the first place but its hard work int it .

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I just gave up posting on anything but History and Expats cos some of the stuff posted on other sections made my blood boil.

I sometimes think tolerance and respect are often confined to this section cos it’s inhabited, mostly, by those who were taught those values in school and at home 

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1 hour ago, Dreb48 said:

I just gave up posting on anything but History and Expats cos some of the stuff posted on other sections made my blood boil.

I sometimes think tolerance and respect are often confined to this section cos it’s inhabited, mostly, by those who were taught those values in school and at home 

good un

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2 hours ago, Dreb48 said:

It must be a bit soul destroying at times, mate. 
You write these epic posts that it seems a diminishing number of forummers can genuinely relate to which means you’re destined to get little response 

Theres still a handful of posters over 70 who, like me, enjoy being transported back to those times by your quirky little tales.

I admire your stickability

Long may it continue 

I second that!


We had a world full of promise, next year was always going to be better. When youve had a bomb shelter at the bottom of your garden, you don’t complain about the weather 50 years from now!  Lol

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Guest makapaka
5 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Good un Padders and thanks for your pot black , I some times wonder if its worth posting on these threads as it seems as though as in this case no  one knows any Ordinary Sheffielders . When in fact there is half a million of em .

I enjoy reading them - not everyone is on the forum remember - keep it up!

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On 27/10/2021 at 11:26, Padders said:

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:.

Love your posts Cuttsie, think you have to be of a certain age to appreciate your musings.

As you say, there was some characters about in the 50/60s.. mostly found in the Tap Rooms of old (do they still have Tap Rooms)

Most had nicknames, one such Shiregreen lad was the local window cleaner "Wesh Leather" to this day I've never known his proper name.

Anyway when ever "Wesh Leather" walked into the pub, you could guarantee mayhem would follow...

On one occasion, he bought his pint and put it on the table, someone distracted him for a moment, and one of the lads slipped a live frog into his glass.

Without blinking an eyelid, "Wesh Leather" supped his pint, went to the bar with the frog in the bottom of the glass, and ordered a refill.

You couldn't make it up.

Another guy whose name I never knew was "Pot Black" 

Apparently he was playing snooker at Bellhouse WMC , he potted a red and nominated Black, he hit the black ball with such force it flew of the table, bounced of the wall, and landed on the adjacent table, where it rolled into the pocket.

Happy days Cuttsie.


There was a similar thing to that one night in the Elm tree, Manor top ( if memory serves me right). 2 men were playing snooker when one of them hit the ball that hard that it flew off the table and hit a workmate of ours in the eye. The next day when we saw his eye we asked him what happened and when he told us the full story one of the wits asked him what colour was the ball. We all fell about laughing.

22 hours ago, Dreb48 said:

I just gave up posting on anything but History and Expats cos some of the stuff posted on other sections made my blood boil.

I sometimes think tolerance and respect are often confined to this section cos it’s inhabited, mostly, by those who were taught those values in school and at home 

I agree with what you say. On a lot of the other sections all they want to do is name call and try to show people up.

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