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When Do Dentists Start Up Again After The Pandemic ?

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My dentist is working normally, at least as far as fillings and checkups are concerned. I’ve had two permanent fillings during lockdown. The practice has all the necessary equipment and the staff are taking the required precautions. They have an aerosol procedure in place which includes the staff wearing high level PPE, the windows being opened and the room being left empty for a certain length of time between patients - I think it is about 15 minutes. 

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A lot of people have had trouble getting emergency dental treatment during the pandemic. This should still be available on the NHS - if you are in a lot of pain, you can phone any NHS dentist (you don't have to be 'registered') and tell them this and that you need triaging. You should be seen. 

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Guest sibon
6 hours ago, pattricia said:

My regular dentist was only doing temporary fillings, during this pandemic ,and then only if you were in pain.  I have again got fillings that have come out, so I wonder if they are back to normal yet ?

I’m in the same boat as you Pat. I’ve managed to get an appointment but I’ve had to wait a couple of months. 

When I rang I explained that the filling that has come out is a bit tender. They were quite happy to give me an appointment to have it sorted properly.

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