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Say It With Flowers?

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Alcohol may not be the best thing to give to a grieving person.


There are some medications which interect badly with alcohol and there is always the chance he may have an alcohol problem. 


If he is elderly then he's probably from the time where people didn't share every feeling with the universe and he may not welcome an intrusion, even one as well intentioned as yours clearly is.


Also, how close was your relationship before his wife passed? If not very close, then maybe the thing to do is just pop round once a week and see if he needs anything, shopping or anything like that. 


 That will give you chance to find out if he drinks and what he likes to drink. If he does drink, then maybe take him for a beer when the pubs are back. 


A condolences card may be your best option here. 

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On 18/04/2021 at 10:36, MJ01 said:

Have you checked that they aren't Quakers or Methodists or one of the other groups that eschews alcohol?

Hi MJ01. No they religious at all but after a quick look at the thread before I went shopping I noticed andyofborgs comment re alcohol and grief. I'll be honest I never considered that but it was a great point, also the guy is 80 and after speaking with a few neighbours I found he is actually on some sort of medication so me presenting him with booze may not have been a good idea. This is a valuable lesson for me to actually find stuff out before I go full steam ahead. In the end I went for a tasteful and rather lovely condolence card that I hope he will like. 

The funeral is tomorrow so I'll be dropping the card off tomorrow morning. I'd like to say thank you to everyone for your ideas and contributions. You've all been very helpful 🙏

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