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Putin's Wargame - Ukraine

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17 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I once read a statistic that America has been at war in one form or another for over 90% of its entire history. I'll try and find it and post a link. 

Maybe I can help.


America has been at continuous war against a series of tyrants since its inception.

King George 111, Spanish racial elites in Mexico, The German Kaiser in WW1, Nazis and Japanese Imperialists in WW2, Communists and their proxies around the World, and militant Islamic terrorists today.


There are those who believe that's a bad thing, but many democracies owe their freedom to the U.S.


(As well as the freedom to disagree with the politics of the current governments, as we do here!  Lol)


Edited by trastrick
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8 hours ago, trastrick said:

And it is still fondly remembered by some here, apparently. lol


A battle lost, but who won that war of independence?

The French aristocrat Marquis de La Fayette, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier leading  a motivated French army and the slave James Armistead Lafayette won the battles for the feeble American army who were fighting a enfeebled British army who were far more concerned about events in Europe.


The absence of a significant proportion of the French army and navy in America enabled the defeat of France, helped by the returning British army and navy.

The eventual return of now 'republican' inspired army officers led to French Revolution and de-stabilized our main enemy, France


Economically we benefited hugely at American expense as we had an effective monopoly of  imports and exports cemented again as America failed to break British control.

America was far more profitable and less troublesome than any "colony" and we didn't pay a penny for their Government, legislature, civil service, army and navy. They paid for their own defence, civil and territorial wars.  


So who won?

We did. They did. The future Canada did.

Who lost?





Edited by Annie Bynnol
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1 hour ago, GabrielC said:

Do not cross the line -Putin . All show of force to remind the West that Russian is still their and watching.

Unfortunately this is not the mind set of the current U.S. Administration.


Democrat President "Biden vows US will work with Russia on climate" April 24


Former Democrat Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard, "Are we prepared to see our loved ones burn alive in a nuclear holocaust in a war with Russia over Ukraine? If not, cut out the macho saber rattling and deescalate before it's too late",  April 16


It seems like the Ukraine is expendable (again). Chine is making noises again about Taiwan, and Iran is as again threatening Israel.


In the meantime Biden is drawing no lines in the sand, because he knows there is no will to enforce them.


History repeats.





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