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How Will People Charge Electric Cars If They Dont Have A Driveway

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9 minutes ago, butlers said:

Hopefully the conversion is subsidized by the power companies.

If not it can come out of general council taxes which are there to provide services afterall.

Stop being such a stick in the mud.

I dare say when petrol cars came in you would have been " but think of the farriers'

Don't get me wrong, I am not being a stick in the mud I already drive a hybrid and I don't have any objection to electric vehicles when the time is right.


What I do object to at the moment is that the infrastructure is clearly nowhere near ready. It is well documented how long it takes for any sort of mass infrastructure to be built and yet to listen to the rhetoric and the speeches from the MPs it's as if it's ready and waiting just to be switched on tomorrow. It clearly isn't.


What is clearly happening, as highlighted by the original post  is a very real risk of a two-tier society.  Drivers of fossil fuel cars literally been forced off the road because they don't have have either access to or cant afford to access the infrastructure.


That is totally unfair and acceptable.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Guest busdriver1

If we stopped this headlong rush into electric cars and waited for the more practical fuel cell cars there would not be an issue. Already buses are heading that way.

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2 hours ago, master jedi said:

 I would like to ask the good people of Sheffield the following question.

I would like to buy an electric car but sadly i do not have a driveway on my council bought house so i cannot charge it on my property. 

I dont think i will be allowed to trail a cable over a public walkway because that would be a trip hazzard.

I  rent a council garage though and i was wondering if the council will be fitting them in the garages  that they rent to people or grant permission for one to be fitted.

Also will the council be providing charge points in council estate parking areas or again grant permission for them to be put there.

I ask these questions as it is not going to be long now before we say goodbuy to petrol and diesel vehicles and im sure there are a lot of people in Sheffield who prefer driving a vehicle instead of walking , cycling and catching a bus.  And without creating a two tier society with the people who have driveways and the ones who dont.

I know there will be some people who will say it will keep you fit to walk cycle ect , but i keep fit by running weight lifting and boxing. I just do not want the choice being taken away from me not to be able to drive a electric car just because i dont have my own driveway to charge it on.  


Thanks for reading :)    


You could invest in a hybrid fuel (petrol / diesel) electric car where you charge the car up & it starts out as an electric but as that runs down the combustion engine cuts in, so you can also simply run the vehicle on petrol / diesel until you get to an appropriate charging point. 


However, a Which report has found out that a very large percentage of car makers' claims for the distances travelled before their vehicles switch from electric to the combustion engine, appear to be misleading, so car owners aren't making the savings in petrol / diesel costs they believe. 



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2 hours ago, AndrewC said:

To answer the short-term context of your question; with great difficulty. I don't know the exact rules in the UK/Sheffield right now, but you are right that trailing a cable over the pavement is at best a hazard that pedestrians - not least those with mobility issues - could do without, and at worst is illegal. Hopefully some people on this forum can give you some advice from their own experience but I would encourage you to speak directly with the Council. It would be a good exercise in getting the council to clarify their position on this if more people ask the question...



To answer the long-term context of your question; I don't see why people think the refueling of electric cars en mass will be much different to the refueling of petrol & diesel cars?


Very, very few people fill their cars up with petrol & diesel at home. As more electric cars hit our streets over the coming decades, you will see electric fueling stations pop up, just as we have petrol stations. In fact, it's likely that existing petrol stations will themselves adapt in to providing drivers with the fuels they need for their cars. You charge your electric car up at the station, drive around, and before you run out of juice you make sure you visit the station again. Just as you do now with petrol.


There are already electric charging points appearing in both Sheffield and other cities. By 2030, trailing a cable from your house to your car every night will probably not be necessary, driveway or not.

1 hour ago, busdriver1 said:

If we stopped this headlong rush into electric cars and waited for the more practical fuel cell cars there would not be an issue. Already buses are heading that way.

BD1 hit the nail on the head. Viable HFC vehicle technology has existed since 2007. The issue was of fuel production but there have been vast improvements in this field.


1 hour ago, butlers said:

A quick look and approx 30 % charge at work  and 10%. at public chargers.


There's also a push to convert streetside lamps to charging points


So we'll see street fights erupt as everyone tries to park next to the streetlamp to charge..

Edited by Resident
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Interesting posts, and one hit on an important point -the fact that more electricity will need to be produced before we move towards electric cars.  As this has not happened yet, we are seeing the start of a problem in this area.  I've had 3 power outages over the last year, 2 of which has burglar alarms in my area blaring out in the small hours of the morning. 


We are not listening to the warnings of the Electric people about consumption, and the Government's idea that the rollout of so-called "smart" meters will somehow "help" us to stop using power has been proved to be totally false.  Soon, unless we somehow generate more power, we'll have to choose between being warm or charge up our cars.

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I dare say we will follow Australia and California with massive battery storage farms to smooth the supply.

Think we lead the world in wind energy with Denmark hot on our heels and I think the new interconnector is now finished.

There's also a interconnector to Norway underway.



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