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Eurovision Song Contest 2021


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PLEASE - this is NOT a slagging thread. I know there's those who loathe it. Vent elsewhere. This is intended as a general discussion for those who do enjoy the programme. 


Just under a month till this year's contest is on and I've been having an occasional listen to what's on offer on various youtube channels. 

I know not all of us are enamoured of the evening 😀 but those that are going to be watching....thoughts on what you've seen/heard so far? 
I reckon there's 8 serious contenders this year. Some for the wrong reasons.
Slovenia, like many before them, have gone for a Bond theme approach. It's probably too low-key to win it, but I do like the choir at the end. Probably my favourite.
Latvia are no mugs. Their vid shows two women kissing. Guaranteed crowd-pleaser and vote-gainer.
Liking the big 80s drums on Estonia's entry but maybe that kind of synth sound won't be for everyone.
Germany have a jaunty little number which could prove popular but its general tweeness could work against them.
Iceland - don't like the floppy-hands dance in the vid. Memorable but very silly.
Only Italy and Finland have anything with a remotely rocky feel. Rock songs rarely do well but they would have my vote.
Moldovia have entered something that sounds Eurodisco-friendly. Good outside bet. 
Our entry isn't awful (he said, diplomatically). 
The rest sounds like teenage-friendly crap to me.
Bring it on. 
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I watch Eurovision every year, purely because even with 2 Million channels on Sky there's nowt else on on a Saturday evening! Why does the UK even bother though? Especially after Brexit, even if we put a half decent song up the voting's all Political, all the tiny Eastern Bloc countries gang up and vote for each other in return for "Political favours" and nobody votes for the UK.


Last year's entry was embarassing, no wonder we were second last!


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I've often wondered why we bother. It's the old argument that if we got really serious about it, through the decades we could have entered any number of spectacularly successful British acts that could deliver a song with such power and persuasion we'd wipe the floor with Johnny Foreigner. Oasis, the Spice Girls, Elton John..... But we haven't and don't. That would be against our ingrained sense of fair play. Of course I get why acts of that stature wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. It's got 'naff' and 'Cliff' written throughout its history. 

But to get back to your point; Deep down I think the reason we get involved is because the British love a sense of the absurd. And that's what Eurovision is; totally absurd. It is joyous car-crash television. It's why some of us love it so. Been watching since the 60s. I'm unlikely to give up on it now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 minutes ago, wearysmith said:

It's poor. Bland. Emphasizes to me that we don't really want to win it.

Oh come on, you know as well as I do that even if we put in a reyt good song we wouldn't win, the voting's all Political, little Eastern Bloc countries all gang up and vote for each other in return for "Political favours" and nobody votes for us, especially since Brexit.



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On 28/04/2021 at 19:48, Mr Allen said:

Why does the UK even bother though?


Because it costs the BBC less for the 3.5hour Saturday night slot that it does with the programming it normally shows in that slot. Its actually terrific value for the license fee payer.  I read that it costs the same as one hour long episode of Casualty.

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