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Eurovision Song Contest 2021


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I thought it did go pretty well actually.


The nil point was pretty much expected, partly due to ongoing brexit wounds but mostly due to the fact our entry was a mediocre, albeit competently vocalised, song with pretty forgettable staging. Half the appeal of Eurovision is the OTT ridiculously costumed acts performing some completely weird routine.


Given all the coronavirus turmoil which is still very much in force - they pulled off quite a good show. It seemed better paced than previous years and didn't to me feel like it was dragging despite it's near 4 hour length.


I know we have all the usual anti- BBC anti-europe brigade demanding they stop funding the production and picking up their ball just because they didn't score any points, but let's be honest, the amount of viewers that would have attracted will be significantly higher than anything else usually put out on Saturday night and would have cost a fraction of the price to broadcast.


As far as they're concerned they've all won.  


James what's his face may not get to walk away the trophy but he will still get his moment in the spotlight and a nice cheque from all the follow-up interviews, studio recording, radio playouts and download sales.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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On 21/05/2021 at 11:01, wearysmith said:

Muted applause for our guy last night. Hardly a surprise. Poor bugger's doomed before he goes on. 

I'm sure everyone's blaming it on Brexit but let's face it, our song was dull, derivative X-factor crap. I'd have asked if 0 was the lowest I could give it. 😄

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42 minutes ago, Funky_Gibbon said:

I'm sure everyone's blaming it on Brexit but let's face it, our song was dull, derivative X-factor crap. I'd have asked if 0 was the lowest I could give it. 😄

Last night the 'best' act really did win. How refreshing!  But for our bloke, that's twice running we've put in no-hopers. Why?? I feel for the guy, but it was not a good song. Even taking foreign hate out of the equation, it still wouldn't have scored highly. 

So, another year when I lost all my (pretend) money on the wrong horses. Slovenia fell at the first and Moldova managed about 10th. Sorry ladies, I was the kiss of death.
Very glad the 2 genuine rock entries did so well.
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If some are blaming Brexit for our 'Nul points', what's Germany's & Spain's excuse?  Also if you consider that 39 countries could cast votes, including Australia, that's 12 countries that aren't in the EU.  


Apparently the only reason we don't have to qualify for the finals of Eurovision is that we, the UK, are one of the 'Big five' financial contributors to the European Broadcast Union with Germany, France, Spain & Italy, who also don't have qualify. 


Maybe the not having to qualify ruling aught to be re-thought so we could be eliminated in the early rounds & save us the embarrassment of failure in the final? 


But really, was ours the worst song on the night?  I don't think so?   Germany's entry was pants.  I thought the best was the the French one. 

Edited by Baron99
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The French one I thought was awful. The worst kind of pastiche.  The glory of Eurovision I guess. Forever Marmite.  

And what was it about the Swiss? It was a banal number. Totally forgettable, yet it started scoring so well and I was struggling to even remember it. Thankfully the public vote put him in his place. He adopted Ronaldo's mardy-face look magnificently. That lass from Malta looked the same when in dawned on her that while she might have been the judges' darling, the public weren't having any of it 😀.  And someone got his wings burned. What a prat he was.

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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

If some are blaming Brexit for our 'Nul points', what's Germany's & Spain's excuse?  Also if you consider that 39 countries could cast votes, including Australia, that's 12 countries that aren't in the EU.  


Apparently the only reason we don't have to qualify for the finals of Eurovision is that we, the UK, are one of the 'Big five' financial contributors to the European Broadcast Union with Germany, France, Spain & Italy, who also don't have qualify. 


Maybe the not having to qualify ruling aught to be re-thought so we could be eliminated in the early rounds & save us the embarrassment of failure in the final? 


But really, was ours the worst song on the night?  I don't think so?   Germany's entry was pants.  I thought the best was the the French one. 

Oh come on, the song was Bobbins and you know it! :lol: 



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23 hours ago, Baron99 said:

If some are blaming Brexit for our 'Nul points', what's Germany's & Spain's excuse?  Also if you consider that 39 countries could cast votes, including Australia, that's 12 countries that aren't in the EU.  

Exactly.  Time to stop the old "we're being punished" excuse.  Israel and Russia don't seem to be struggling and they're Europe's bogeymen of the moment.

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