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The Dup Madwagon Rolls On

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3 hours ago, melthebell said:

Lol, oh well

Edwin Poots would be a good name for some minor Dickensian cleric. Could imagine him in Hard Times having a fall out with Mr Gradgrind over the latter's progressive views on education and the age of the earth.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

I don't follow old washerwoman gossip. However, I've never suggested in an ideal World Boris Johnson is the most suitable or deserving person to be British prime minister. The truth is that Boris Johnson saved this country when we were in the darkest hour since the second World War due to the Remainers in parliament blocking the democratic choice the British people made in the ballot box.  I aliken Boris Johnson to both Sir Winston Churchill and Red Adair. 

Boris Johnson is little more than a cheap knock off version of Trump. 130,000 died though lack of action and Brexit that will do huge economic harm and Northern Ireland peace process in tatters yeah great leader- not.

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11 hours ago, West 77 said:

Nonsense.  Boris Johnson is a successful politician and serial election winner unlike Donald Trump.   I don't blame Boris Johnson for any deaths and agree with what the ex DUP leader said regarding a failure of society as a whole.

Successful?  He got lucky at an election and failed at every other job he took.


I put it to you that Shagger Boris is the most unsuitable British Prime Minister in living memory:


  • Sacked by then-Tory leader Michael Howard for allegedly lying to him about an extra-marital affair with Spectator columnist Petronella Wyatt.
  • Sacked from the Times newspapers for fabricating quotes.
  • Promising to eradicate street homelessness in London by 2012 (it actually doubled in his mayorship)
  • Promising manned ticket offices at all tube stations before agreeing to widespread closures to fund 24-hour stations.
  • The lie on the bus during his Brexit campaign claiming that we'd save £350m a week by leaving the EU, and spend it on the NHS.
  • Over £50 million wasted on the never-built Garden Bridge in London
  • The affair with Jennifer Arcuri, who received thousands of pounds of public money and secured her participation in foreign trade trips that he led.











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42 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I think you're obsessed by shagging. Perhaps your doctor could give you a prescription for Prozac if you tell them about your Boris shagging fascination. 

I think you're imposing your own insecurities onto me there . . .  the only people obsessed by Shagger Boris' shagging antics are you and Shagger Boris.

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, altus said:

The Sectarian bigots of the DUP have been well and truly stitched up by Shagger Boris, haven't they?


And now Shagger Boris has converted to Catholicism to marry his latest filly and legitimise at least one of his offspring, the future isn't looking bright for the Northern Oirish.





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