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Holiday In Port Isaac, Cornwall?

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Not been down to Cornwall for probably 30 years, and since I saw the Fisherman's Friends film in March 2019, I'd like to go down there and see them in their Homestead, even though they're coming up to Sheffield for a gig at the City Hall in September, which I've booked for.


Following a Google search session last year, and asking at various Holiday companies I've found a few nice Hotels that aren't too out of the budget, but has anyone been down? Is it as nice as it looked on the film? Nice pubs and that?



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Port Isaac is lovely, parking can be a nightmare but well worth a visit. Doc Martin everything!!! Port Wenn in the Doc Martin series.  I live about 70 miles from there. Give it go, you won't be disappointed. Not far from Padstow.


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9 minutes ago, sedith said:


Thanks for the info.


I'll speak to the family about a post lockdown Holiday, only thing is between July and October I have several local and out of Town Comic Cons to attend so my diary's a bit full.


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