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Drugs And Organized Crime Pitsmoor

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Absolute rubbish




Pitsmoor has had a problem with OCG for a long time now...


Certain ethnic groups and white groups used to sell cannabis until someone went to Manchester and came back and said this is what you should be selling




In-turn that devastated the area further not only that those selling this substance would use it themselves becoming addicted some even to this day not only ruining their lives but their customers too....


There are now various OCG in Pitsmoor involved in the drug business...


"The different classes" as you put it only separate themselves !!!...


Regards to Sheffield Star there's loads of shootings,stabbings and drug related robberies that go unreported....


In short there is a massive problem with drugs in :


Pitsmoor,Manor, Highfield,Broomhall, City Center, Wicker,Firth Park,Low Edges,Parson Cross,Heeley...


I could go on....


The Police and the authorities know this and in-short don't care....



Edited by Box11
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9 hours ago, Resident said:

Maybe we should just take Malaysia's lead on drug dealers and producers.....

I agree. I once flew into Malaysia and just before we landed we were given a leaflet that spelt out in no uncertain terms the penalty for taking drugs into the country....death.


Spent a scary 10 mins trying to remember what I had in my first aid kit, in case it was misinterpreted.


Need to stop messing around with people who trade in human misery and start executing them...

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1 minute ago, crazyhorse said:

I agree. I once flew into Malaysia and just before we landed we were given a leaflet that spelt out in no uncertain terms the penalty for taking drugs into the country....death.


Spent a scary 10 mins trying to remember what I had in my first aid kit, in case it was misinterpreted.


Need to stop messing around with people who trade in human misery and start executing them...

Zero tolerance is what's needed now I know they are building new prison's basically "Supermax Prison's" just like they have in America...

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7 hours ago, dutch said:

Organised crime in pitsmoor.  Only when you listen to the sheffield star or its believers. Pitsmoor is an area discriminated by turning it into poverty. Different classes are kept separated here just like other third world countries.

Iv had the misfortune to have to stop off at the 24 hr shop up there and get harangued for change open drug dealing over run with rats areas had thousands spent on it if your defending it your part of the problem 

2 hours ago, Box11 said:

Absolute rubbish




Pitsmoor has had a problem with OCG for a long time now...


Certain ethnic groups and white groups used to sell cannabis until someone went to Manchester and came back and said this is what you should be selling




In-turn that devastated the area further not only that those selling this substance would use it themselves becoming addicted some even to this day not only ruining their lives but their customers too....


There are now various OCG in Pitsmoor involved in the drug business...


"The different classes" as you put it only separate themselves !!!...


Regards to Sheffield Star there's loads of shootings,stabbings and drug related robberies that go unreported....


In short there is a massive problem with drugs in :


Pitsmoor,Manor, Highfield,Broomhall, City Center, Wicker,Firth Park,Low Edges,Parson Cross,Heeley...


I could go on....


The Police and the authorities know this and in-short don't care....



Spot on

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7 hours ago, dutch said:

Organised crime in pitsmoor.  Only when you listen to the sheffield star or its believers. Pitsmoor is an area discriminated by turning it into poverty. Different classes are kept separated here just like other third world countries.

So what about lower Manor that's no ten on the list of most deprived areas pitsmoor ranks considerably higher yet you don't see open dealing begging on the streets 

7 hours ago, bassett one said:

the crime cash goes in a big pot ,and is bided for by lots of groups,ie childrens dance groups,boxing and lots more good causes,so its used in a good way.

I assume you have  Proof that cash seized from drug dealing goes to other causes other than in the police pot if love to see it link or site address. 

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7 hours ago, dutch said:

Organised crime in pitsmoor.  Only when you listen to the sheffield star or its believers. Pitsmoor is an area discriminated by turning it into poverty. Different classes are kept separated here just like other third world countries.

Sheffield Council poured millions into the area, Burngreave, Spital Hill, Fir Vale, Page Hall etc.      https://archive.burngreavemessenger.org.uk/archives/2004/november-2004-issue-46/masterplan-unveiled/burngreave-and-fir-vale-master-plan-final-draft.pdf



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1 minute ago, carosio said:

I remember this they may as well chucked it down the drain they spend the tax money on these areas and others are left with nothing lower manor s2 s13 get nothing while pitsmoore got the new green area status if love to see the spending over the last 25 years for all areas in Sheffield some areas are like black holes others get nothing and town centre goes from bad to worse 

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