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Drugs And Organized Crime Pitsmoor

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On 03/05/2021 at 10:47, dutch said:

Pitsmoor is too small for real criminals. The real big organised crime happens in places you call trustworthy government. Put a police officer on every corner of pitsmoor and crime will be just the same in UK.


Personally I don't care about it and cannot be bothered to explain that power corrupts regardless this is in pitsmoor, religions, government, banks. Even school managers have fallen for criminal corruption.

I mentioned it now and consider this a waste of my time since it is not my problem when pitsmoor is called some organised crime hotspot or not.

What goes on has overreaching impacts on all areas in Sheffield have you seen the taxis that bounce in and out all day and night 

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I'd say 99% of all shootings stabbings murders are drug related why is Sheffield Council allowing this to go on unchecked whilst children are being used to sell & save the drugs they know whays going on but as I said whilst the police and council benefit from proceeds of crime they are as bad as the criminals if not worse 

On 02/05/2021 at 00:03, The_DADDY said:

What currently happens to money that's seized? 

Urm I d no maybe ill put in a freedom of information request in surprised that there are no councilors on thus site after all it is Sheffield forum

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17 minutes ago, Consheff said:


Urm I d no maybe ill put in a freedom of information request in surprised that there are no councilors on thus site after all it is Sheffield forum

I believe there were councillors on here at one time but the forum slowed to a crawl with not much happening so I'm guessing they left . Now it's started to pick up we may well see some of our local politicians joining up and being part of the community 

3 minutes ago, butlers said:

Think the seized money  goes to SYPTE to waste on overseas trips ,to combine two unhinged accusations 


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2 hours ago, Consheff said:

I'd say 99% of all shootings stabbings murders are drug related why is Sheffield Council allowing this to go on unchecked whilst children are being used to sell & save the drugs they know whays going on but as I said whilst the police and council benefit from proceeds of crime they are as bad as the criminals if not worse 

Urm I d no maybe ill put in a freedom of information request in surprised that there are no councilors on thus site after all it is Sheffield forum

So is there no shootings,stabbings and murders in areas controlled by conservative councils then ? just asking because I'm curious !!!!!!

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5 minutes ago, monzaman said:

So is there no shootings,stabbings and murders in areas controlled by conservative councils then ? just asking because I'm curious !!!!!!

Probably but I doubt there are as many you be a good boy and find me a chart showing stats and well see

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5 minutes ago, Consheff said:

Probably but I doubt there are as many you be a good boy and find me a chart showing stats and well see

No you be a good little boy and find me a chart and until then don't post false info making out the Sheffield council region is worse ok !!!

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7 minutes ago, butlers said:

Sheffield often recorded the lowest pro rato murder rate of the big urban areas.


Police numbers are down 16 percent in the last decade too.


Aye, like I said earlier in teh topic, the Plod know there's a BIG problem in some areas but they simply don't have the person power or resources to deal with it effectively.


They move one crime Gang on, and 24 hours or less later another one gladly take its place.



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4 hours ago, Mr Allen said:

Aye, like I said earlier in teh topic, the Plod know there's a BIG problem in some areas but they simply don't have the person power or resources to deal with it effectively.


They move one crime Gang on, and 24 hours or less later another one gladly take its place.



Well they should move that gang on too and don't stop until no-more appear !!!...

10 hours ago, Consheff said:

What goes on has overreaching impacts on all areas in Sheffield have you seen the taxis that bounce in and out all day and night 

Your right matey but we're preaching to the deaf and those who keep their eyes shut !!!!....



Edited by Box11
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