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Recomendations for Vegetarian / Vegan Restaurants


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Kumquat Mae is fantastic - but make sure you're hungry if you decide to order more than one course, they don't stint on their portions!! I'm not a vegan myself, but I'm reliably informed that the Bah Nah Thai restaurant in Broomhill will provide Vegan alternatives to a lot of their dishes if you ring them in advance, which means that the meat eaters don't lose out and everyones happy! (Hopefully!) x


p.s. another good thing about Kumquat Mae is that you can take your own booze! (-:

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There is a restaurant somewhere along West Street which I keep passing on the tram, can't remember what it is called but the sign on the window says that vegan and veggies are welcome, which would suggest that they also do meat dishes. It looks like it may be a South American restaurant but I am not sure.

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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by Nanimo

Thanks for the recommendations.


I guess the difficulty here is in finding a place that can cater equally well to both veg and non-veg people. Especially since I don't want to separate my friends by food preferences...


If the food is good, the food is good, it shouldn't make a difference whether it has meat in it. So go to Kumquat Mae and tell your meat eating friends to shut up, eat and enjoy!

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The Fat Cat down by Kellham Island is great for veggie, vegan, gluten-free and always has meat options too. It's not a posh place but the beer's great and the atmosphere's always good. There's a website if you google.

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I'm veggie, but I like plently of fat and sugar in my food and lots of it, I really can't be doing with all this healthy stuff.. I love the Olive Garden and the Blue Moon Cafe, but was disappointed with Kum Quat May - I vaguely remember small portions and a general feeling of having wasted my money, but obviously this is just my opinion and lots of the other people who answered you feel quite differently. Barring steak and burger joints, I usually find that most placed have adequate veggie choices. For something less formal but totally scrumptious - veggie or not - try the Peacock at Owler Bar, Its a pub but the food is superb!:thumbsup:

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I'd heartily recommend Blue Moon. Used to live next door to the owners and they're top people (sorry about the Dyson again!!)

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