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Sheffield Referendum Tomorrow

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3 minutes ago, monzaman said:

Please don't try trolling with me It doesn't work!!!! you have been given various things sheffield has done but you choose to ignore them because you have joined on here just to try and push the "age old" blame the council agenda because they are labour and I am guessing you have connections to the tory party. Apologies if you haven't any connections but that's the way it comes across

So no benefits from voting Labour glad we got that out the way happy voting for the donkeys in the Red rosette tomorrow even though there's no benefit #smh

I wonder how many seats labour will loose tomorrow if its anything like the ge get ready better buy some kleenex lol

Edited by Consheff
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15 minutes ago, Consheff said:

So no benefits from voting Labour glad we got that out the way happy voting for the donkeys in the Red rosette tomorrow even though there's no benefit #smh

I wonder how many seats labour will loose tomorrow if its anything like the ge get ready better buy some kleenex lol

I vote labour in the local elections because I like how they run the city. Ah the old "donkey in the red rossette" one I wondered how long before HQ told you to bring that one up, meanwhile any tim nice but dim can stick a blue rossette on and stand for an election in a place they can't even spell!!!! You better hope labour lose some seats or you will be sacked LOL .

I don't even think you know what you are asking by the way, if you said do our labour council try there best under an oppressive tory gov then I would say yes. you say benefits under labour as opposed to what,what are we comparing it with, tell us then we can make comparisons


"glad we got that out of the way" LOL yeah right!!!!

Edited by monzaman
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Right I'm off to bed so if you want to slag me off get it in while I'm asleep and I will answer you tomorrow dinner oh and will somebody get that man at the end of the bar another pint before he starts again !!!!!LOL  End of party political broadcast on behalf of the opel monza appreciation society good night god bless 

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Blank him "Consheff"..


He's stating not to  try and troll him...


When it's him clearly doing the trolling !!!!..


Rise above him blank him no matter what he post's...


Show him your the bigger person !!! ....

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17 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Blank him "Consheff"..


He's stating not to  try and troll him...


When it's him clearly doing the trolling !!!!..


Rise above him blank him no matter what he post's...


Show him your the bigger person !!! ....


I'm my humble opinion we should be all working together to improve the forum so we can all enjoy it. 

SF has been given a new lease of life. Let's not get bogged down with bikkering especially when it appears somone has a clear agenda and that agenda seems to be to stir up division. 

Just my opinion 😊

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5 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


I'm my humble opinion we should be all working together to improve the forum so we can all enjoy it. 

SF has been given a new lease of life. Let's not get bogged down with bikkering especially when it appears somone has a clear agenda and that agenda seems to be to stir up division. 

Just my opinion 😊

Exactly, don't post stuff just to stir things then get upset when someone answers it and then have the cheek to try and convince members the one's answering are trolling, you couldn't make it up!!!!!

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1 hour ago, monzaman said:

Exactly, don't post stuff just to stir things then get upset when someone answers it and then have the cheek to try and convince members the one's answering are trolling, you couldn't make it up!!!!!

Oh please! :roll:

You yourself only returned to the forum on Tuesday after 6 years of inactivity!

I just thought now was a good time to mention it... :suspect:

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6 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Oh please! :roll:

You yourself only returned to the forum on Tuesday after 6 years of inactivity!

I just thought now was a good time to mention it... :suspect:

Oh please🙄!!!! So I haven't posted for six years (thanks for checking by the way👍) what difference does that make. I haven't just joined to promote the party I support though have I ,just thought I would mention it😏 Also do you know me personally and the reasons behind my absence on here, Next time I decide to post I will pm you to book in ok 😆😆

7 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

You noticed, too, @Mr Bloke?

God It's like being at work, didn't realise you had to clock in and check with the management first 😆😆

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