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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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Is it now time to legalise all drugs !!!...


The crime involved in the selling of drugs is way out of control....


Gun and Knife crime in the UK in my eyes is way out of control with drug related murders happening in broad daylight....


Children being groomed to become drug dealers and much worse !!!!....


Legalisation of drugs should cut the crime rate considerably not only that it would be much safer for those suffering from addiction and be more ethical !!!!....

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8 hours ago, Box11 said:

Is it now time to legalise all drugs !!!...


The crime involved in the selling of drugs is way out of control....


Gun and Knife crime in the UK in my eyes is way out of control with drug related murders happening in broad daylight....


Children being groomed to become drug dealers and much worse !!!!....


Legalisation of drugs should cut the crime rate considerably not only that it would be much safer for those suffering from addiction and be more ethical !!!!....

My bold. 


Can you point to evidence that it would reduce crime? 


Cigarettes / tobacco sales are legal but they are also taxed by governments & what do we have all over the world?  A black economy selling legal products illegally & worse a black economy selling cheap & dangerous imitations of legal products, avoiding tax with profits in many instances funding organised crime. 


Legalise drugs & all you will find is people trying to source cheaper, illegal alternatives to the legal ones.   At the end of the day, the reality is where ever there is money to be made, you will have crime, no matter how or what you legislate / legalise. 

Edited by Baron99
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I would require and expect that all drug purchasers of the newly legalized drugs are tested everyday.

All vehicle drivers. All working people or those seeking work. All carers.

Everybody who provide services for others, have access to peoples homes, families and children.

All purchasers of the newly legalized drugs should be registered and purchases accounted for with criminal charges brought for those who will sell on their drugs.

All wages/benefits should be suspended during periods of drug use.

Employers would have right not to employ drug users and to suspend/dismiss those who do.

People should have the right to sue those under the influence and their employers.

People should be allowed to sue the Government if they suffer physical, emotional or financial harm.

Penalties for motoring, civil and criminal activities should reflect drug use.

Drug use should be stipulated used in contract law and the information made available to banks, building societies, insurance providers,  etc.

Drug use should be grounds for divorce and subsequent decisions on property and visitation rights.

Initially the test would be random and free but once established that an individual  uses drugs that impair judgement then they must prove they are fit to work and drive.

All costs to individuals, companies, enforcement agencies, testing, administration and drug provision comes from the users.


When all this in place I will vote in a referendum every 4 years to decide on the legality of currently illegal drugs.

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2 minutes ago, bassett one said:

in some areas of this city ,the dealers think selling drugs are legal as the police dont seem bothered

False, they are bothered, they just don't have the resources to deal with on a large scale, thanks to cuts from central Government! :loopy: 



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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Can you point to evidence that it would reduce crime? 


Cigarettes / tobacco sales are legal but they are also taxed by governments & what do we have all over the world?  A black economy selling legal products illegally & worse a black economy selling cheap & dangerous imitations of legal products, avoiding tax with profits in many instances funding organised crime. 


Legalise drugs & all you will find is people trying to source cheaper, illegal alternatives to the legal ones.   At the end of the day, the reality is where ever there is money to be made, you will have crime, no matter how or what you legislate / legalise. 

Valid point. Admittedly, you would decriminalize users which wouldn't be a bad thing but these criminal gangs aren't going to pack up and open a shop selling drugs, start paying taxes and give up being, in some cases, violent criminals. 

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2 hours ago, dave_the_m said:

Annie, would you require all those rules for tobacco and alcohol too? If not, why not?

No. But your point is valid.

Alcohol, tobacco and many other drugs currently in daily use are already regulated and are subject or not, to control through criminal, civil, by-laws, contract, motoring, workplace etc., rules and regulations. Many of the requirements listed already apply. 

Alcohol is certainly a candidate for tougher regulation but its historic and association with food makes its inclusion more problematic- that's why I am referring to " ...newly legalized drugs...".

That does not say that someday changes would result in merging and inclusion. 



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Cannabis yes and tax it use the extra income to concentrate on class a.'s and synthetic drugs that are causing the real misery 

7 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Can you point to evidence that it would reduce crime? 


Cigarettes / tobacco sales are legal but they are also taxed by governments & what do we have all over the world?  A black economy selling legal products illegally & worse a black economy selling cheap & dangerous imitations of legal products, avoiding tax with profits in many instances funding organised crime. 


Legalise drugs & all you will find is people trying to source cheaper, illegal alternatives to the legal ones.   At the end of the day, the reality is where ever there is money to be made, you will have crime, no matter how or what you legislate / legalise. 

At least they would have an income from tax to combat the black economy whereas now they get nothing 

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