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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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1 hour ago, Box11 said:

You are correct the problem is this:


The weed which is being sold today better known as "


"SKUNK" !!!!....


Is extremely dangerous the reason being is that "SKUNK" is grown under powerful lights constantly day and night making the substance far more powerful and dangerous for the receiver !!!!....


Cannabis(Weed) grown outside in hot countries around the world is grown differently as it is not constantly under the light of the sun because of night hours !!...


Making this another reason why it needs to be regulated and legalising !!!!....




Can't believe this is even a discussion any more.

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There is a big problem with fly tipping from cannabis farms.  There have been several incidents recently of 40+ bags of soil, fertiliser bottles and plant pots getting dumped in the countryside outside Sheffield, damaging the environment and costing the taxpayer money for the council to remove. 
It will carry on while ever big £££££ is to be made growing the stuff illegally. All the old cliches about cannabis users being harmless and chilled out are on here I see. I’m sure there’s some truth in that but there’s also a lot of criminal activity and all the problems that come with that so yes legalise the stuff.  

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12 hours ago, Box11 said:

You are correct the problem is this:


The weed which is being sold today better known as "


"SKUNK" !!!!....

That is true for the majority of weed being grown and sold. However other types of cannabis are also out there.


12 hours ago, Box11 said:

Is extremely dangerous the reason being is that "SKUNK" is grown under powerful lights constantly day and night making the substance far more powerful and dangerous for the receiver !!!!....

That is definitely not true as it is the same with outdoor growing in that as a plant it needs a regular cycle of light and dark to grow whether it be outside or inside and that is essential for it to flower. The strength or potency is mainly dependant on the strain being grown and the indoor grower will tend to grow the Indica strain because it is higher in THC and it generally grows smaller and more compact at around 1-1.5M high. The other main strain is Sativa which are mainly outdoor plants because they grow much taller than Indica. The Sativas are also generally lower in THC and higher in CBD and produce a different high and are the ones grown for their medical properties.


12 hours ago, Box11 said:

Cannabis(Weed) grown outside in hot countries around the world is grown differently as it is not constantly under the light of the sun because of night hours !!...

Again not true, see above.


12 hours ago, Box11 said:

Making this another reason why it needs to be regulated and legalising !!!!....

There may be many reasons it may or should be legalised or decriminalised but most of the above is not part of it.

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2 hours ago, apelike said:

That is true for the majority of weed being grown and sold. However other types of cannabis are also out there.


That is definitely not true as it is the same with outdoor growing in that as a plant it needs a regular cycle of light and dark to grow whether it be outside or inside and that is essential for it to flower. The strength or potency is mainly dependant on the strain being grown and the indoor grower will tend to grow the Indica strain because it is higher in THC and it generally grows smaller and more compact at around 1-1.5M high. The other main strain is Sativa which are mainly outdoor plants because they grow much taller than Indica. The Sativas are also generally lower in THC and higher in CBD and produce a different high and are the ones grown for their medical properties.


Again not true, see above.


There may be many reasons it may or should be legalised or decriminalised but most of the above is not part of it.

Of course it's true there have been many people who have ended up with severe mental health problems because they started to take drugs while having no problems beforehand !!....


Some people it affects while some aren't...


Skunk is dangerous and affects your thought process period !!!..

11 hours ago, redruby said:

There is a big problem with fly tipping from cannabis farms.  There have been several incidents recently of 40+ bags of soil, fertiliser bottles and plant pots getting dumped in the countryside outside Sheffield, damaging the environment and costing the taxpayer money for the council to remove. 
It will carry on while ever big £££££ is to be made growing the stuff illegally. All the old cliches about cannabis users being harmless and chilled out are on here I see. I’m sure there’s some truth in that but there’s also a lot of criminal activity and all the problems that come with that so yes legalise the stuff.  

Well said....

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12 hours ago, redruby said:

There is a big problem with fly tipping from cannabis farms.  There have been several incidents recently of 40+ bags of soil, fertiliser bottles and plant pots getting dumped in the countryside outside Sheffield, damaging the environment and costing the taxpayer money for the council to remove. 
It will carry on while ever big £££££ is to be made growing the stuff illegally. All the old cliches about cannabis users being harmless and chilled out are on here I see. I’m sure there’s some truth in that but there’s also a lot of criminal activity and all the problems that come with that so yes legalise the stuff.  

I think you can attribute most fly tipping to the building trade - that's still legal!

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1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:

I think you can attribute most fly tipping to the building trade - that's still legal!

But most builders don’t fly tip and the fact that a few dodgy ones do doesn’t make cannabis farm fly tipping and all the other criminal activity involved with illegal cannabis farming ok.  

The cannabis farm fly tipping is only one issue among many on the criminal activity involved with this.  And unfortunately not even the worst.  I’m sure if cannabis was legalised it wouldn’t eradicate all the problems but it would certainly help a lot. 
The cannabis farm fly tipping also seems to be becoming more of a problem lately and  I’ve certainly seen more examples of this than builders waste being fly tipped recently. 

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4 hours ago, Box11 said:

Of course it's true there have been many people who have ended up with severe mental health problems because they started to take drugs while having no problems beforehand !!....

I said the reasoning behind your assumption on how skunk is grown under lights and why it is so potent because of that is not true and if you don't know that then I question the validity of the rest. As with any drug whether it be cannabis, heroin, alcohol, tobacco or even paracetamol there is an element of risk to the taker. There are millions of users of cannabis/skunk and yet in just a tiny percentage we may see problems from using it. In fact there is a possibility that it may actually be showing up an early indication of people who may have psychological problems later in life. 


4 hours ago, Box11 said:

Some people it affects while some aren't...

Which is a good example of why it's not just down to the drug itself.  


4 hours ago, Box11 said:

Skunk is dangerous and affects your thought process period !!!..

It is not dangerous as no person so far has ever died from an overdose of cannabis/skunk but to be sure it does affect the thought process and that is the reason why people take it. Same goes for alcohol as well.


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1 hour ago, apelike said:

I said the reasoning behind your assumption on how skunk is grown under lights and why it is so potent because of that is not true and if you don't know that then I question the validity of the rest. As with any drug whether it be cannabis, heroin, alcohol, tobacco or even paracetamol there is an element of risk to the taker. There are millions of users of cannabis/skunk and yet in just a tiny percentage we may see problems from using it. In fact there is a possibility that it may actually be showing up an early indication of people who may have psychological problems later in life. 


Which is a good example of why it's not just down to the drug itself.  


It is not dangerous as no person so far has ever died from an overdose of cannabis/skunk but to be sure it does affect the thought process and that is the reason why people take it. Same goes for alcohol as well.


Many psychiatrist have stated that skunk has a higher potency and is very dangerous and that's all I need to know after all they are professionals and know what they are talking about down to their own studies on the subject....





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I’m not sure it would be a vote winner if the government decided to make drugs legal. It would be one more addiction they would have to deal with at some stage in the future. We’ve seen hard hitting adverts on TV showing you what the lungs  of a smoker looks like, the liver of an alcoholic so what would the advert be for a cannabis addiction, a sizzled brain?


I’m not against prescribed cannabis but not for recreational use.


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1 hour ago, hauxwell said:

I’m not sure it would be a vote winner if the government decided to make drugs legal. It would be one more addiction they would have to deal with at some stage in the future. We’ve seen hard hitting adverts on TV showing you what the lungs  of a smoker looks like, the liver of an alcoholic so what would the advert be for a cannabis addiction, a sizzled brain?


I’m not against prescribed cannabis but not for recreational use.


Just to quickly point out... cannabis is not addictive.

Edited by apelike
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