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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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14 minutes ago, Mr Allen said:

I mean that just because Youth services were mostly closed years ago, so there's not much for kids to do, does NOT mean they all turn to drugs and/or other illegal activities.


Also, apart from going to the pub now that they're open, and the movies, there's not much for older people to do IMO.. I've been to the Mencap place in Norfolk Park several times, and even when I was about 25 I felt out of place because it was full of teenagers, like a Youth club kind of setting.


I understand that I really do and appreciate your comments....


But come on kids get groomed and get poison dripped into their ears by adults sometimes by older family members to become drug dealers....


I was stating that certain people in community's around Sheffield know full well that is the truth but still make excuses for them and blame it on government cuts....


Youth services need to start telling the truth about the real reason of drug related murders in Sheffield and city's around the UK...


As I have said the drug problems will only get alot wrost than it is now if they keep defending and blaming it on cuts..

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15 minutes ago, Box11 said:

I understand that I really do and appreciate your comments....


But come on kids get groomed and get poison dripped into their ears by adults sometimes by older family members to become drug dealers....


I was stating that certain people in community's around Sheffield know full well that is the truth but still make excuses for them and blame it on government cuts....


Youth services need to start telling the truth about the real reason of drug related murders in Sheffield and city's around the UK...


As I have said the drug problems will only get alot wrost than it is now if they keep defending and blaming it on cuts..

Absolute Bobbins and you know it! :loopy: 


The cuts are due to a lack of funding from central Government.


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2 hours ago, Mr Allen said:

Absolute Bobbins and you know it! :loopy: 


The cuts are due to a lack of funding from central Government.


You are so wrong !!...


I know the government has made cuts in funding in certain communities but why would that turn young and older people into evil drug dealers !!!!...


There are many families in certain communities where children grow up around drugs and OCG....


Where older adults are cutting up drugs and bagging them then selling them in full view of children many in front of their own children !!!...


Why use cuts as an excuse by saying that's the reason behind so much crime and drug related murders !!!!...


And I'll tell you this while I'm at it there are many ex drug dealers that work in the youth services that agree with drug dealing (doing dirt as they call it) and think it is fine as long as you do something good from it when you're done destroying the very community you live in and human lives !!!!.....




I know someone who told me that when he was younger a community group in Sheffield organised a meeting with local drug dealers in an area of Sheffield which I won't mention just yet...


Anyway the organisation brought a solicitor from London back in the late 80s to talk to the group to tell them ways of hiding their ill

gotten gains and how to hide the drugs on their person !!!!!....


In-short there are many people in many organisations within many communities up and down the UK that are clearly not telling the truth about the massive drug problem,knife and gun crime drug related murders until they confront the truth of the matter instead of passing the buck it will still be a massive problem period !!!!....


I for one want drugs to be Legalised for many reasons some I have mentioned above !!!!...




Edited by Box11
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17 hours ago, Box11 said:

You are so wrong !!...


I know the government has made cuts in funding in certain communities but why would that turn young and older people into evil drug dealers !!!!...


There are many families in certain communities where children grow up around drugs and OCG....


Where older adults are cutting up drugs and bagging them then selling them in full view of children many in front of their own children !!!...


Why use cuts as an excuse by saying that's the reason behind so much crime and drug related murders !!!!...


And I'll tell you this while I'm at it there are many ex drug dealers that work in the youth services that agree with drug dealing (doing dirt as they call it) and think it is fine as long as you do something good from it when you're done destroying the very community you live in and human lives !!!!.....




I know someone who told me that when he was younger a community group in Sheffield organised a meeting with local drug dealers in an area of Sheffield which I won't mention just yet...


Anyway the organisation brought a solicitor from London back in the late 80s to talk to the group to tell them ways of hiding their ill

gotten gains and how to hide the drugs on their person !!!!!....


In-short there are many people in many organisations within many communities up and down the UK that are clearly not telling the truth about the massive drug problem,knife and gun crime drug related murders until they confront the truth of the matter instead of passing the buck it will still be a massive problem period !!!!....


I for one want drugs to be Legalised for many reasons some I have mentioned above !!!!...




Won't happen.


For various reasons I can't be bothered to try and explain to you.



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  • 1 month later...
On 11/05/2021 at 10:47, apelike said:

Just to quickly point out... cannabis is not addictive.

Er, it can certainly be 'addictive'. 

You may not develop physical dependency or withdrawal, but in susceptible individuals it can certainly be habit forming.

Of course, the same is true of alcohol and coffee, with the exception that, unlike cannabis, they also lead to physical dependency.

Cannabis is probably the most under-utilised plant on the planet, given its uses, because of decades old group psychosis about Mexicans and Black men, instigated in the US in the 40 and funded to the tune of hundred of billions of dollars since 1971. The drug war is one of the US's largest exports, and it has indisputably caused misery and death for millions of people over the last 50 years.


The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did - John Ehrlichman, 1994.

Drug use by most individuals carries a low risk of harm, and should obviously be a matter for health and social services, not the police and justice system. The deleterious effects of illegal drugs are magnified, and sometimes eclipsed entirely, by the harm to an individual that comes of entering the criminal justice system. 

It's total insanity, and after 18 years banging on about it, I'm pleased to see there is some progress, especially in the USA where you can now drive from Canada to Mexico without once leaving a 'recreational marijuana' state, and several states are already decriminalising and legalising psychedelics- whilst the UK is leading this side of the Atlantic in psychedelic research.

People have known an understood the value of these substances for millenia. As the post 60s hysteria finally fades from memory, perhaps the future does finally hold some promise?


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On 08/05/2021 at 04:09, Annie Bynnol said:

I would require and expect that all drug purchasers of the newly legalized drugs are tested everyday.

All vehicle drivers. All working people or those seeking work. All carers.

Everybody who provide services for others, have access to peoples homes, families and children.

All purchasers of the newly legalized drugs should be registered and purchases accounted for with criminal charges brought for those who will sell on their drugs.

All wages/benefits should be suspended during periods of drug use.

Employers would have right not to employ drug users and to suspend/dismiss those who do.

People should have the right to sue those under the influence and their employers.

People should be allowed to sue the Government if they suffer physical, emotional or financial harm.

Penalties for motoring, civil and criminal activities should reflect drug use.

Drug use should be stipulated used in contract law and the information made available to banks, building societies, insurance providers,  etc.

Drug use should be grounds for divorce and subsequent decisions on property and visitation rights.

Initially the test would be random and free but once established that an individual  uses drugs that impair judgement then they must prove they are fit to work and drive.

All costs to individuals, companies, enforcement agencies, testing, administration and drug provision comes from the users.


When all this in place I will vote in a referendum every 4 years to decide on the legality of currently illegal drugs.

Sounds like bureaucratic nirvana!  Lol

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On 09/05/2021 at 14:41, apelike said:

There is a big difference between medicinal cannabis and cannabis sold on the streets. IIRC any GP can prescribe medical cannabis anyway.

Yeah the stuff grown in the UK has to be recalled due to fungal spore contamination 🙄


Otherwise, no - well grown cannabis is the same whether it's "medicinal" or "recreational": only the phenotype matters in terms of terpene balance.

On 09/05/2021 at 14:41, apelike said:

There is a big difference between medicinal cannabis and cannabis sold on the streets. IIRC any GP can prescribe medical cannabis anyway.

Also - yeah - GPs can prescribe Sativex, not herbal. UK's herbal stock is all exported. They can prescribe Bedrocan but - 

Edited by Phanerothyme
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