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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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Let those who wish to smoke dope, smoke it.  Let those who wish to inject heroin, inject it. Let those who wish to engage in any presently illegal activities of any sort crack on with it!   


All I would ask is that they all find themselves a deserted island somewhere to live, to do whatever they want and leave all us law abiding citizens to go about our business in relative safety away from the stench, criminality and misery of it all.

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19 hours ago, Tipstaff said:

Let those who wish to smoke dope, smoke it.  Let those who wish to inject heroin, inject it. Let those who wish to engage in any presently illegal activities of any sort crack on with it!   


All I would ask is that they all find themselves a deserted island somewhere to live, to do whatever they want and leave all us law abiding citizens to go about our business in relative safety away from the stench, criminality and misery of it all.

The way the world is going “Tipstaff” it might end up that way.....


Those that want to choose to lead a good life should be protected and those that want to destroy themselves through drugs or other means should be allowed to far-away from decent people !!!!.....


Majority of crimes committed today are either fuelled by drugs or committed for drugs and as time goes by this problem is only going to get far worse than it is now !..


Drugs are everywhere now in every area of our cities,towns and villages I strongly believe nothing will ever be done about the destruction of our communities !!!!.....



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3 hours ago, Box11 said:

The way the world is going “Tipstaff” it might end up that way.....


Those that want to choose to lead a good life should be protected and those that want to destroy themselves through drugs or other means should be allowed to far-away from decent people !!!!.....


Majority of crimes committed today are either fuelled by drugs or committed for drugs and as time goes by this problem is only going to get far worse than it is now !..


Drugs are everywhere now in every area of our cities,towns and villages I strongly believe nothing will ever be done about the destruction of our communities !!!!.....



I agree. When I was younger, living in Sheffield, we NEVER heard of, or even saw any drugs!


In the 1990's/2000's I lived in a small village in Derbyshire and enjoyed the friendly, relatively crime-free atmosphere.  It felt secure and safe.  I sometimes wish I was back there where you could walk to the local convenience store and post office, pub / restaurant / club for a night out and not be pestered by any weed smoking beggar or yob. 


Let's face it, the police lost the streets many decades ago and it will take more than another generation to get them back (if they ever do!?)

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11 hours ago, Tipstaff said:

I agree. When I was younger, living in Sheffield, we NEVER heard of, or even saw any drugs!


In the 1990's/2000's I lived in a small village in Derbyshire and enjoyed the friendly, relatively crime-free atmosphere.  It felt secure and safe.  I sometimes wish I was back there where you could walk to the local convenience store and post office, pub / restaurant / club for a night out and not be pestered by any weed smoking beggar or yob. 


Let's face it, the police lost the streets many decades ago and it will take more than another generation to get them back (if they ever do!?)

The police lost the streets because of middle class do gooders not wanting to feel intimidated by professional policing. If the streets are ruled by hard case criminals they should be given a little competition by introducing them to hard case police officers. Perhaps potential police officers should be recruited from the armed services as they were in respect of National Service leavers who didn’t relish going back down the coal mines or into the steel works.

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2 hours ago, crookesey said:

The police lost the streets because of middle class do gooders not wanting to feel intimidated by professional policing. If the streets are ruled by hard case criminals they should be given a little competition by introducing them to hard case police officers. Perhaps potential police officers should be recruited from the armed services as they were in respect of National Service leavers who didn’t relish going back down the coal mines or into the steel works.

I also agree they need police officer’s like “Shillito” !!!!!....


The streets would be clean up in a matter of weeks !!!!....


Sadly there will never be police officers like “Shillito” again our police force’s hands are tied and they are not aloud to exercise their duties to the full !!!!....

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