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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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It'll be 5 years on Friday since the day I was attacked outside Oxfam on West St waiting for my carer at the Bus stop outside the shop, there was CCTV footage and everything, I reported it to my social worker who reported it to the Plod, 14 days later, when the bloomin' CCTV footage was out of date so they could see an attack had happened but not who did it.


I did get a visit from the Police though so all wasn't totally lost.


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Guest makapaka
37 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

This is true. I've been assaulted twice by drunks in town. Granted it was a long long time ago when I did the pub crawls and i probably contributed to the situation being pretty drunk myself but the most harrowing experience I've ever had with a stoner was one of them once asked to share my chips. 

I was happy to oblige  

But you can go and buy a beer now but not weed.


never really bothered with it cos just makes me want to go sleep but makes you think why one is legal and one isn’t.

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31 minutes ago, makapaka said:

But you can go and buy a beer now but not weed.


never really bothered with it cos just makes me want to go sleep but makes you think why one is legal and one isn’t.


Actually I had a look online to see if I can find out why it's illegal. 

Apparently in 1930s America some of the reasons it was banned were Bloodlust, its negative effect on "degenerate races" and it threatened the virtue of White women by making them fancy black men 🙄

There were other reasons obviously but those stuck out as being the most ridiculous. 

Full article here...... 


https://www-britannica-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.britannica.com/amp/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16205868501971&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.britannica.com%2Fstory%2Fwhy-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us

Edited by The_DADDY
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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

Always remember someone saying -

if you’re walking home on your own in dark and see 6 lads heading your way.


would you rather they’d all had 10 pints

or all be stoned off their heads? 

Walking home in the dark, I'd prefer to walk past a crowd of Hippies than a crowd of football hooligans anytime, :gag::hihi:

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Guest makapaka
2 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Walking home in the dark, I'd prefer to walk past a crowd of Hippies than a crowd of football hooligans anytime, :gag::hihi:

Course you would.

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Guest sibon

I have no strong opinions for, or against the legalisation of drugs.


I’d like to offer one observation though. Alcohol and tobacco are drugs, and they are legal, and there is still demand for other drugs.


So maybe it’s not only the drug that is the attraction, maybe it is the legal status of the drug too.

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25 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Walking home in the dark, I'd prefer to walk past a crowd of Hippies than a crowd of football hooligans anytime, :gag::hihi:

For the purposes of a debate would you feel the same if you walked past a group of people shooting up with heroin or walking around hallucinating after taking acid? 

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30 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

For the purposes of a debate would you feel the same if you walked past a group of people shooting up with heroin or walking around hallucinating after taking acid? 

That happens now, so are you saying it will be more common if drugs are legalised?

Drugs are illegal now, but drug taking is all over, those taking drugs are criminals and taking lots of police time.

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7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

But there also lots of studies that say that cannabis affect people's paranoia, psychosis and put some in a depressed mood. There are lots of academic studies and medical tests regarding the links between frequent cannabis use and negative mental health issues.


Even in the much more relaxed areas such as Amsterdam governments have raised concerns and consider bringing changes to their more lax policies.


For all alcohol clearly create problems, I do not believe the comparison is so black and white.

You are correct the problem is this:


The weed which is being sold today better known as "


"SKUNK" !!!!....


Is extremely dangerous the reason being is that "SKUNK" is grown under powerful lights constantly day and night making the substance far more powerful and dangerous for the receiver !!!!....


Cannabis(Weed) grown outside in hot countries around the world is grown differently as it is not constantly under the light of the sun because of night hours !!...


Making this another reason why it needs to be regulated and legalising !!!!....



Edited by Box11
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