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Should Drugs Be Legalised !

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14 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

Well that is something I didn’t  know.


This is a NHS link about Cannabis if I have done it correctly.  

Actually the current thought on the matter is that it can be addictive, so I apologise for that as it seems to have changed over time and I was talking mainly from personal experience with it. However very few people who take it actually do get addicted to it despite millions of users. People are more likely to be addicted to the tobacco that is used with it as its very rare in the UK to smoke it neat.

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I've seen evidence of fly tipping of materials used in the cultivation of cannabis.

If left, other species of plants adopt the  compost and grow rapidly.

Alcohol is legal and look at the problems associated with that https://alcoholchange.org.uk/alcohol-facts/fact-sheets/alcohol-statistics

Making illicit drugs legal is not going to solve the problem, they are illegal for a reason. As medical trials and understanding improves it may change.

Car drivers have a licence to drive but many drivers still speed and drive dangerously. People will always push boundaries in the favour of their own interests.

It is common these days for people who smoke this stuff to get on buses and go into shops completely unaware they smell like they have **** themselves.



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3 hours ago, Findlay said:

I've seen evidence of fly tipping of materials used in the cultivation of cannabis.

If left, other species of plants adopt the  compost and grow rapidly.

Alcohol is legal and look at the problems associated with that https://alcoholchange.org.uk/alcohol-facts/fact-sheets/alcohol-statistics

Making illicit drugs legal is not going to solve the problem, they are illegal for a reason. As medical trials and understanding improves it may change.

Car drivers have a licence to drive but many drivers still speed and drive dangerously. People will always push boundaries in the favour of their own interests.

It is common these days for people who smoke this stuff to get on buses and go into shops completely unaware they smell like they have **** themselves.



Regarding the fly tipping. Yes, I’m sure other plants could thrive in the dumped soil.  BUT the cannabis fly tippers don’t dump loose soil from what I’ve seen. It’s all inside tied up inside black plastic bin bags. Sometimes spilling out where they have split or come open but still inside plastic bags which would take many years to degrade and contaminates the environment. I’ve twice seen 40ish of these dumped in a river. Please don’t claim this somehow benefits the flora and fauna of the river. And the plastic fertiliser bottles and plastic plant pots will harm the environment if left. 
I personally absolutely hate the stink of cannabis and have seen some very bad effects it has had on people. But realistically people will take it whether it’s legal or not. And at least if legal some the criminal activity would stop.

Edited by redruby
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5 hours ago, redruby said:

Regarding the fly tipping. Yes, I’m sure other plants could thrive in the dumped soil.  BUT the cannabis fly tippers don’t dump loose soil from what I’ve seen. It’s all inside tied up inside black plastic bin bags. Sometimes spilling out where they have split or come open but still inside plastic bags which would take many years to degrade and contaminates the environment. I’ve twice seen 40ish of these dumped in a river. Please don’t claim this somehow benefits the flora and fauna of the river. And the plastic fertiliser bottles and plastic plant pots will harm the environment if left. 
I personally absolutely hate the stink of cannabis and have seen some very bad effects it has had on people. But realistically people will take it whether it’s legal or not. And at least if legal some the criminal activity would stop.

Alot of criminal activity would stop "redruby" your right !.


What gets me why wouldn't people want drugs to be Legalised instead of evil drug dealers being in control !!!!.



Edited by Box11
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17 hours ago, Box11 said:

Alot of criminal activity would stop "redruby" your right !.


What gets me why wouldn't people want drugs to be Legalised instead of evil drug dealers being in control !!!!.



Your equals you're :D 


And legal drugs? Won't happen, for various reasons.



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On 11/05/2021 at 18:00, redruby said:

Regarding the fly tipping. Yes, I’m sure other plants could thrive in the dumped soil.  BUT the cannabis fly tippers don’t dump loose soil from what I’ve seen. 

I'm sure you have seen different but why disregard what I have seen? I am very much against the fly tipped materials, in any form, as the growth is generally over footpaths in my area. These paths are not being maintained at all, at the moment.

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