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60% Of The Amazon Rain Forest Will Be Gone By 2050 But We Still Demand More

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Like I said, in science, the "conventional wisdom" of the time is not the same thing as truth.


Since Aristotle,  there has been a consistent history of new breakthroughs, brought to light by those who were skeptics, and labeled heretics, blasphemers and deniers in their day.


As a keen student of science, my only problem is with those who insist "the science is settled", and are heavily invested religiously, politically, or financially, or by reputation, in the status quo.


Since early man, animals and birds cleaned out their caves, dens, and nests, there has been a natural concern with their environments. The Romans had clean water supplies and sewers, and London built it's first major sewer projects in the 1850s.


Environment awareness and "enlightenment" did not begin, as some would have you believe, in 1962. Or on the first Earth Day April 22, 1970, (coincidentally?) Lenin's Birthday.

I have second hand, scuba gear, (previous owner deceased) & a canoe for sale that you might want to buy as a long term investment?  Think of it as future proofing. 

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Things must be getting serious because in some parts of this country the once ubiquitous snowman has not been sighted for many years, the human species was allocated a big brain and N.I. (natural intelligence) but has now become a threat to it's maker (scientific not religious), consequently, nature is attempting to cull the expanding population. Just like we would do if humans created robots with A.I. and they went rogue. Science informs us that nature has extinguished species before so that could be our fate if we keep on defying natures attempts to reduce the numbers, unfortunately  this may take down many other species if it involves drastic measures like toxic rainfall. Do sleep soundly. 

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