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60% Of The Amazon Rain Forest Will Be Gone By 2050 But We Still Demand More

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Just now, altus said:

That's a prediction of something that was supposed to happen 50 years ago. Since then we've been doing the two things that have proven really effective at reducing population increases - educating women and providing them with access to contraception. As has been mentioned on the forum many times before, we reached peak child years ago and global population will stabilise or fall in the future. Global population is still going to rise for several decades though because improved health care, particular in poorer countries, people are living longer. At the behest of his supporters, Trump stopped the US aid aimed at promoting population control.


"Low-lying islands and many coastal regions" are not the same as "The Worlds oceanfront cities" so your claim about the latter doesn't disprove the former.


You're going to start having to produce some proper links to your sources so we can whether you've just made something up/quoted out of context, etc.


Can you explain why you think 'some areas are going to get hot' is disproved by 'increased CO2 will increase plant growth'.



Most of them in the US voted for Donald Trump.

Ah, back to Trump. Lol


All cults need  a Great Satan.


So Trump is serving at least one useful purpose for his mere 4 years in office.


But if y'all quoted actual scientists as frequently as you mention Trump. Lol


But my posts are linked and easily confirmed by a key phrase search.


As opposed to the opinions here posted as facts.


But if it makes you feel better you can believe I made all this stuff up, which renders the discussion over, right?  Lol


Because I'm not responsible for what you choose to believe.


Edited by trastrick
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9 minutes ago, Delbow said:

But you know just as much about climate change as you do about quantum physics, next to nowt. The only difference is that the Murdoch press and the Express and Mail haven't been printing headlines for years saying the scientists are wrong about Higgs-boson

I know about life and I know none of the previous predictions of doom have happened, if you were around in the 70's we were allegedly heading for a second ice age, total and utter garbage, as is this.

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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Ah, back to Trump. Lol


All cults need  a Great Satan.


So Trump is serving at least one useful purpose for his mere 4 years in office.


But if y'all quoted actual scientists as frequently as you mention Trump. Lol


So no response to the undermining of your claims. Not surprising.

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Gordon Bennet that complete the set.

Scientists since the 30s were beginning to understand the C02 effect in regards to heating 

The US oil industry also knew this from research in the 1960s.


The new ice age thing ,I think is from 1 study.

In some respect and with relevance to north west Europe you could still argue that's a still the most worrying outcome we could get as a result of global warming .That's not incompatible at all if the north Atlantic current collapses.


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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

The vast majority of people who will become extremely richer than you or I say we should be very concerned. 


I've corrected it for you, can ask what you think of the predictions made 20 or 30 years ago that have been proved to be nonsense.


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And back to the polar bears.


If you chase the numbers back the USSR  estimated total population of 5000 in 1970.

Corresponding year estimate of  total population was 18,000 from the US  and 20,000 from  Canada.

Numbers may well have recovered up to now as a hunting ban was brought in in 1975.


The latest best estimate is numbers will decline by as much of 30 percent by 2050.

In our sat tagged age that should be easier to confirm

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You can also try and find articles that say there is no climate change but you look at the overwhelming consensus of acredited  scientists.

What our response is is a different question.


Of course the Fossil Fuel industry bis also one of those " THEYS" but I will name them.

They had every interest in disputing something that would likely lead to actions to reduce there profits and close significant parts of the industry

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That 50 year study , you don't like it but do you dispute it ?

If you look into the long record of global temp ,The Met Office is a good site ,I grant you it hiccups the 50s were cooler.

But every decade since has been more accurately than ever measured and each one higher than the previous one.

And the rate of increase per year has about doubled since the 70 s

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