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Racism In America

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Well, I have to say I'm not surprised that there is racism in america but I am surprised at how brazen and in your face it is 

Utterly disgusting...

has she shot any white people yet ?

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

She is discriminating, in response to what seems fairly clearly racial bias in the media companies. It will force them to look at their recruitment practices, which is good. Unless you were going to suggest that the reason there are few Black and brown journalists is because they're too lazy or too thick, etc.

My bold. 

I'm glad you agree. 

1 hour ago, tinfoilhat said:

You seemed to want her to change the number of black people in professional sport. Can you clarify a bit for me?

No. My point is clear. I'm sure you get it but for the purposes of this thread it seems like you are pretending you don't 🙂

1 hour ago, The Joker said:

has she shot any white people yet ?

I'm not sure. I'll keep my eyes glued to the Internetsjust in case she does 

1 hour ago, Delbow said:

She is discriminating, in response to what seems fairly clearly racial bias in the media companies. It will force them to look at their recruitment practices, which is good. Unless you were going to suggest that the reason there are few Black and brown journalists is because they're too lazy or too thick, etc.


Nothing could have been further from my mind. Unlike yours. For you to even suggest something like that means it's floating around in your head somewhere. 

Not nice.... 

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1 hour ago, The Joker said:

has she shot any white people yet ?


7 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm not sure. I'll keep my eyes glued to the Internetsjust in case she does

I'll take that as a No until you prove otherwise.


Glad we cleared that up.

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4 minutes ago, The Joker said:


I'll take that as a No until you prove otherwise.


Glad we cleared that up.

No, you cleared it up and with no one's help too. 

We'll done 👏

I guess it's true, Not all hero's wear capes👍


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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:


Nothing could have been further from my mind.

That's good. It's hard for Black people in America to get the same opportunities as white people. I guess this woman is just fed up of waiting for whitey to do something about it and has decided to just do whatever it takes to produce some change. Good on her. How long have people been waiting for change now? Centuries. Nothing's going to change by just waiting for equality to be given - got to make it happen.

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Well so much for 8 years of Obama then? 


I remember when Obama was running for the first time & the BBC did a report from a district of some US city that was predominantly black.  It was run down; suffered from high unemployment; educational attainment was low; drugs were rife; health was poor.  The BBC reporter interviewed a large group & asked them what a potential black President could do for their area?  What could Obama do to change their lives?  Well the best they could come up with was, "He could build us a basketball court." 


Talk about a lack of ambition?

Edited by Baron99
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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Well so much for 8 years of Obama then? 


I remember when Obama was running for the first time & the BBC did a report from a district of some US city that was predominantly black.  It was run down; suffered from high unemployment; educational attainment was low; drugs were rife; health was poor.  The BBC reporter interviewed a large group & asked them what a potential black President could do for their area?  What could Obama do to change their lives?  Well the best they could come up with was, "He could build us a basketball court." 


Talk about a lack of ambition?

Would be interesting to repeat the question after the years of political awakening in Black America since then. I suspect the answers would be different now.

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4 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Well so much for 8 years of Obama then? 


I remember when Obama was running for the first time & the BBC did a report from a district of some US city that was predominantly black.  It was run down; suffered from high unemployment; educational attainment was low; drugs were rife; health was poor.  The BBC reporter interviewed a large group & asked them what a potential black President could do for their area?  What could Obama do to change their lives?  Well the best they could come up with was, "He could build us a basketball court." 


Talk about a lack of ambition?

The National Basketball Association in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, all there through actual merit and ability.




 A basketball court not only provides a very useful community resource and encourages young people to engage in healthy fitness activity, it can also in some cases lead to a lucrative career as a high level basketball athlete in one of the few industries where blacks are proportionatly represented.



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As another poster pointed out, Barak Hosein Obama was elected twice In the U.S. The top job in the World.


They have a black Vice-President, soon probably to be President, as old Joe Biden won't be around much longer.


The richest and most influential woman in the U.S. (Oprah) is black. 


The "most admired" woman in the U.S. (Gallup) is black (Michele)


The richest and most admired folks in entertainment, music and sports are black.


It's not even PC to publicly criticize a black.


In a predominantly white country (60%) that sure looks like racism to me.



Edited by trastrick
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