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Racism In America

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It's strange isn't it that President Obama received by far the most death threats.


Due to red lining black districts, structural racism  ,black families on average now have a net worth of less than a third of white family's.



Oprah Winfrey isn't even in the top 30 richest women.



Not PC to criticize  "a black" hardly needs comment 


Strange also that the only American president who was mixed race was hounded by the claim he was born outside the US and not a citizen.

Racial Animus much ?


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46 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

The National Basketball Association in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, all there through actual merit and ability.




 A basketball court not only provides a very useful community resource and encourages young people to engage in healthy fitness activity, it can also in some cases lead to a lucrative career as a high level basketball athlete in one of the few industries where blacks are proportionatly represented.



Aye, my 13 year old nephew is one of his team's top players in Basketball down in London, but of course he's white.




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54 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

The National Basketball Association in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, all there through actual merit and ability.




 A basketball court not only provides a very useful community resource and encourages young people to engage in healthy fitness activity, it can also in some cases lead to a lucrative career as a high level basketball athlete in one of the few industries where blacks are proportionatly represented.



Proportionally represented?


If the country is 60% white (quoted from another post in this thread, I've not checked) and a sport is 74% non white, then it's not proportional, it's disproportional.

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12 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

Proportionally represented?


If the country is 60% white (quoted from another post in this thread, I've not checked) and a sport is 74% non white, then it's not proportional, it's disproportional.

It's as if there are fewer routes to financial security for Black people in America, so there's an overdependence on sports and music as ways to thrive.


Chris Rock sums it up really well in this clip (NSFW)

Edited by Delbow
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It would be very nice if each person could be judged on their personal merit, the quality of their character etc, rather than any physical characteristic.


Sadly that's not the world we live in.


I also fear, attempts to improve matters, often result in making them worse, increasing racial tensions, and the perception that your race is a significant factor in how successful you'll be in life. I'd think the effort you put in, the hard work, the sacrifices you make, the action you take, your self-belief etc; are far more significant indicators of success than any mere physical characteristic of your being.


There's also a danger of your self-belief being eroded, if you buy in to the notion that you're significantly disadvantaged, because of something like your ethnicity. There could even be something a negative feedback loop here; i.e. you believe you're not going to do well because of your ethnicity, and so your self-belief is eroded, and as a result you don't actually do well, you contribute to the statistics that indicate to other members of your ethnicity that they're not going to succeed in life either, and the feedback loop from hell continues...


It's an incredibly complex and nuanced subject. Even looking at statistics, to be completely fair you'd need to consider all possible contributing factors, to get a full picture of why things are the way they are. Often that doesn't happen.

Edited by Waldo
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2 hours ago, butlers said:

It's strange isn't it that President Obama received by far the most death threats.


Due to red lining black districts, structural racism  ,black families on average now have a net worth of less than a third of white family's.



Oprah Winfrey isn't even in the top 30 richest women.



Not PC to criticize  "a black" hardly needs comment 


Strange also that the only American president who was mixed race was hounded by the claim he was born outside the US and not a citizen.

Racial Animus much ?


Meh, according to Wikipedia, Boris Johnson was born on the upper East side of New York, so he's actually part American, but is still the English PM! :loopy: 



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3 hours ago, butlers said:

It's strange isn't it that President Obama received by far the most death threats.


Due to red lining black districts, structural racism  ,black families on average now have a net worth of less than a third of white family's.



Oprah Winfrey isn't even in the top 30 richest women.



Not PC to criticize  "a black" hardly needs comment 


Strange also that the only American president who was mixed race was hounded by the claim he was born outside the US and not a citizen.

Racial Animus much ?


If America is such a racist country, how come the demographic that earns the most are Asian Americans?



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27 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

If America is such a racist country, how come the demographic that earns the most are Asian Americans?



Because America is particularly racist against Black people - those are the ones they enslaved, if you remember. I take it you haven't been reading about the appalling racist abuse and violence Asian-Americans have been experiencing for a while now?

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2 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Because America is particularly racist against Black people - those are the ones they enslaved, if you remember. I take it you haven't been reading about the appalling racist abuse and violence Asian-Americans have been experiencing for a while now?

So America is racist to Asian Americans, or it isn't? If it is, then using income as a yardstick of racism doesn't work.

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16 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

So America is racist to Asian Americans, or it isn't? If it is, then using income as a yardstick of racism doesn't work.

Like I said in response to the OP, the late great Bruce Lee, who was Chinese-American, suffered racism for most of his life, even when he became a movie star in the early 70s people wouldn't accept him because he was Chinese, it wasn't till he did Enter the Dragon just before he died, that he became Internationally famous.


Also, my Parents think I'm a bit racist because I complain about the morning care company sending Foreign people, but that's not me being racist, it's a language barrier, they don't understand my strong local accent.




Edited by Mr Allen
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