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50 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

You seem to be advocating people buying items which have some completely arbitrary label of excessive luxury get penalised twice. They already pay more VAT £amount because their item has a higher price tag but then you want them to get slapped with extra tax for some completely simplistic and jealousy ridden reason that if they can afford to purchase X item in the first place, they must be "rich" and deserve to be penalised even more.

We already have a variable tax rate.

Most fresh food is zero rate, but not cooked food.

Domestic energy is rated at 5%

Tobacco and vehicle fuel around 65%?

Aviation fuel is zero.

Standard VAT rate is 20%

Biscuits and cakes are treated differently, so we have different rates already

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Primemover 70 again . . . I am a pensioner on supposedly index linking (whose goalposts are regularly sought for moving/changing) . . . Occ pensionwise I now find myself 6.5 pence a week worse off ! . . . Incidentally, I note that Civil Service pensioners' 0.5% 2021/22 increase remains at that rate until 2026 . . . Bet that wasn't touted by our wonderful media !  . . . Be humble sire, be humble . . . 

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On 22/05/2021 at 01:44, El Cid said:

You seem like an honest person.


Taking into account that a poor person pays a large proportion of his erning in 60% fuel tax, 70% on tabacco/alcohol tax and that a proportion of a high earners tax is avoided ; who do you think pays a higher percentage of tax from their earnings?

A proportion of high earners tax is avoided? 10% of the population pay over 60% of the taxes received. how much more do you want?

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3 hours ago, primemover70 said:

Primemover 70 again . . . I am a pensioner on supposedly index linking (whose goalposts are regularly sought for moving/changing) . . . Occ pensionwise I now find myself 6.5 pence a week worse off ! . . . Incidentally, I note that Civil Service pensioners' 0.5% 2021/22 increase remains at that rate until 2026 . . . Bet that wasn't touted by our wonderful media !  . . . Be humble sire, be humble . . . 

Is that the state pension or and extra private one?

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On 23/05/2021 at 13:31, apelike said:

Thanks for that I didn't realise it had changed for high earners. I doubt people earning over £50k would be too worried though.

One earner bringing in over £50k is penalised, two earners in the household each earning £40k then the family becomes eligible for CB. 


Income tax is nearly always applied to the individual, whilst means tested benefits are based on household income.  🤔

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