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Norwich Council Commemorates George Floyed.

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2 hours ago, Mister M said:

Why is it insulting to all the decent people and otherwise murdered?


Well I don't know about you but I prefer my role models to be decent people who do some good not career criminals who think it's OK to invade the home of a pregnant woman and hold a gun to her stomach in order to rob her of her possessions. 

2 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

It's clearly not insulting to all the decent people and otherwise murdered but, honestly, it's a bit odd.


File under "council wants to do something a bit weird and thank god it's not ours" and move on.


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6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


Well I don't know about you but I prefer my role models to be decent people who do some good not career criminals who think it's OK to invade the home of a pregnant woman and hold a gun to her stomach in order to rob her of her possessions. 


You've been reading the internet again.....


The last time he was convicted of a crime was 2007 and there is no evidence the woman involved in the robbery was pregnant and either way he didn't shoot her either and given the crimes were committed in texas it seems unlikely the police responding to the call which resulted in his death would have known about them. 


Anyway, this thread is about Norwich City Councils decision to light up their city hall for one evening  to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of George Floyd, and in remembrance of all black lives lost in the aftermath.


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9 hours ago, hackey lad said:

She sounds like Julie Dore being interviewed , but seriously with all thats happening in this world , why is this crime being highlighted in Norwich ?

Have you ever been to Longstanton Spice Museum? I also know a cracking owl sanctuary.

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Guest sibon

The decision to start this thread is even odder that Norwich Council’s decision.


I find it strange that someone in Sheffield is so interested in a minor decision by a council in a city 150 miles away.


Have Norwich council made any other decisions lately? I look forward to debating them.

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11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


What are your thoughts? 

I personally find it pointless and very insulting to all the decent people murdered by anyone, not just the police. 

absolute joke what on earth are we doing in this country, what on earth has Norwich council got to do with this and for that matter any other council, its virtue signalling by the woke!!

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he did make a good point though, where was the commemoration or the media coverage on Saturday for the 4th anniversary of a terrorist attack deliberately  targeting innocent people and children in Manchester?

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