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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

What’s your point? Should the BLM movement cease?

yes its nothing more than rabble rousing them against us 

1 hour ago, makapaka said:

He was convicted of murder.

very loosely and to appease the baying mob, lets see what the appeal says

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2 hours ago, makapaka said:

What’s your point? Should the BLM movement cease?

No of course it shouldn't. But IMO it should also acknowledge and condemn black on black violence 

2 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Yes you are right about the hashtag BlackLivesMatter. 


In July 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin 17 months earlier in February 2012. The movement became nationally recognized for street demonstrations following the 2014 deaths of two African Americans, that of Michael Brown—resulting in protests and unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, a city near St. Louis—and Eric Garner in New York City


In the 80s do you think gay men should have tackled homophobia?  Surely not, by your logic.  The biggest killer of gay men in the 80s was AIDS!



Nothing to do with the point, however if you are looking at the lateral argument of my point that BLM is ignoring the problem of Black on Black violence then the comparative question should be "in the 80's should gay man have tackled violence by gay men against other gay men". Im not aware of any indication that gay men were subject to that violence back then.


Of course homophobia and any form of discrimination shoudl be tackled but i think you are either missing my point or im not putting it across better that BLM is vowing to end white supremecy but is ignoring the massive issue of black on black violence to each other.

2 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Bolded bit.  Yes.


I think the media would have investigated any and every claim of poor character regarding the BLM activist and it would have been given plenty of coverage.  

And you think the BLM movement would not mobilise to support her and claim racism?

2 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

18 black people were murdered by white people between 2018 and 2020 according to your stats.


Can you give us their names and all the BLM protests that took place?  Because it seems you are suggesting BLM protest every black death by a white.

No. Im saying that BLM protest in general about white on black racism and violence but refuses to comment in condemnation when one of its activists is shot by a black man. Where is the condemnation from BLM for the attack 

40 minutes ago, Magilla said:

The question makes me wonder if you fully comprehend what BLM are protesting about, or trying to achieve. :?

Why not answer the question i asked instead

Edited by sheffbag
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36 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Nothing to do with the point, however if you are looking at the lateral argument of my point that BLM is ignoring the problem of Black on Black violence then the comparative question should be "in the 80's should gay man have tackled violence by gay men against other gay men". 


No, by your logic the comparative question would be, "in the 80s should gay men have tackled homophobic violence committed by other gay men."  


You are asking why BLM focus on racism when black people kill black people too.  It's quite obviously a false equivalence.  If BLM focused on black people killing black people do you think racism would end?


Have you checked to see if there are any organisations that try to tackle black-on-black crime?  Are there any that aim to tackle white-on-white crime? Your figures show that there were 512 white people killed by white people between 2018 and 2020. 

36 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

No. Im saying that BLM protest in general about white on black racism 

Well, the original message was black lives matter too.  Not to the exclusion of all other lives but too.  It was a response to a perception that some think black lives don't matter.  Black lives don't matter to the black people who kill other black people.  But then, neither do white lives to the white people who kill white people.


In the US, ask a black man if he thinks his life matters and he'll say yes.  Ask him if he thinks his life matters to a white police officer and he might not.  Do you see the difference?  

Edited by Arnold_Lane
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17 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

No, by your logic the comparative question would be, "in the 80s should gay men have tackled homophobic violence committed by other gay men."  


You are asking why BLM focus on racism when black people kill black people too.  It's quite obviously a false equivalence.  If BLM focused on black people killing black people do you think racism would end?


Have you checked to see if there are any organisations that try to tackle black-on-black crime?  Are there any that aim to tackle white-on-white crime? Your figures show that there were 512 white people killed by white people between 2018 and 2020. 

Well, the original message was black lives matter too.  Not to the exclusion of all other lives but too.  It was a response to a perception that some think black lives don't matter.


In the US, ask a black man if he thinks his life matters and he'll say yes.  Ask him if he thinks his life matters to a white police officer and he might not.  Do you see the difference?  

No racism will never end unfortunately same as all discrimination will never end because thats the way humanity has always been and always will be. You will never eradicate discrimination.

Im not asking BLM to focus on Black on Black killings, merely to acknowledge and try to work on it as they have a large media presence.


Yes i have checked and to be honest i cant find any in the UK. even looking at sites like drop the weapons i cant see anything specific. Do you know of any? that's not a challenge its a seeking of education if there is. 

And if there is, then why aren't they been promoted and supported by the likes of BLM? The community listens to BLM and they could send a positive message out.

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51 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

No racism will never end unfortunately same as all discrimination will never end because thats the way humanity has always been and always will be. You will never eradicate discrimination.

Bolded bit.  No, maybe not as a thought crime.  But you can legislate against discriminatory acts.



51 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Im not asking BLM to focus on Black on Black killings, merely to acknowledge and try to work on it as they have a large media presence.



That's a bit rich.  I still see people saying that BLM is racist because white lives matter too because they don't get that the original message of BLM was black lives matter too not to the exclusion of all other lives.  Maybe people should understand BLM before telling them what to do?


51 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Yes i have checked and to be honest i cant find any in the UK. even looking at sites like drop the weapons i cant see anything specific. Do you know of any? that's not a challenge its a seeking of education if there is. 

And if there is, then why aren't they been promoted and supported by the likes of BLM? The community listens to BLM and they could send a positive message out.


Access UK.  


Is there any irony in a white person speaking on behalf of the black community and telling BLM how to operate?  BTW, do you have to be black to support BLM?  Is it a membership-based organisation?


Edited by Arnold_Lane
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1 hour ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Bolded bit.  No, maybe not as a thought crime.  But you can legislate against discriminatory acts.





That's a bit rich.  I still see people saying that BLM is racist because white lives matter too because they don't get that the original message of BLM was black lives matter too not to the exclusion of all other lives.  Maybe people should understand BLM before telling them what to do?



Access UK.  


Is there any irony in a white person speaking on behalf of the black community and telling BLM how to operate?  BTW, do you have to be black to support BLM?  Is it a membership-based organisation?


you making assumptions about my ethnicity? You dont know what i identify as. I find that a "bit rich" myself and potentially racist

You can be any ethnic group and support BLM, you can be any ethnic group and offer a view on BLM

If black lives matter too then do they matter to other black people? especially the ones who are shot by other blacks?


Thansk for the info on Access UK. I'd had a quick look at that but i thought it was an employment based site , its good to see a positive message and i'll go deeper on it.


For the record i am against all violence against others regardless of colour of the skin of the victim or the attacker. Its all wrong but people seem to not like it when you go against the current narrative

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, Arnold_Lane said:

No, by your logic the comparative question would be, "in the 80s should gay men have tackled homophobic violence committed by other gay men."  


You are asking why BLM focus on racism when black people kill black people too.  It's quite obviously a false equivalence.  If BLM focused on black people killing black people do you think racism would end?


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