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Norwich Council Commemorates George Floyed.

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, sheffbag said:

No racism will never end unfortunately same as all discrimination will never end because thats the way humanity has always been and always will be. You will never eradicate discrimination

Of course it can end - it won’t end any quicker by constantly running down people who are trying to end it tho. 

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17 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

you making assumptions about my ethnicity? You dont know what i identify as. I find that a "bit rich" myself and potentially racist

You can be any ethnic group and support BLM, you can be any ethnic group and offer a view on BLM

If black lives matter too then do they matter to other black people? especially the ones who are shot by other blacks?


Thansk for the info on Access UK. I'd had a quick look at that but i thought it was an employment based site , its good to see a positive message and i'll go deeper on it.


For the record i am against all violence against others regardless of colour of the skin of the victim or the attacker. Its all wrong but people seem to not like it when you go against the current narrative

I wrote in post 46 that black lives don’t matter to the black people who kill black people.  Or white lives to the white people who kill white people.

See the programmes and gang mediation parts of the Access UK site.


When you have finished dictating to BLM about their need to solve black-on-black crime you should aim to tackle white-on-white crime (usually referred to as just ‘crime’ in the media) as well.  

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