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On 25 May 2021 at 19:29, Consheff said:

I think it's high time that the Black community had a serious discussion about black on black crime.........

The black community had several serious  discussions with themselves, and the police. The police set up a dedicated unit to deal with black on black gun crime called operation trident in 1998. 

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8 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Its time we all had an adult discussion  about racial discrimination  but a BLM leader being shot in the head by a gang of black men does seem to be ironic .

It's also ironic that this so called campaigner against racism was being prosecuted for racial slurs against a police officer when she was shot by a black criminal. Perhaps they should call themselves Black Lives Matter Except To Black People and It's Alright To Be Racist To White People.



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Guest makapaka
On 25/05/2021 at 19:29, Consheff said:

I think it's high time that the Black community had a serious discussion about black on black crime and put to bed the narrative that the police are being racist  using their statistics for who is more likely to be carrying a concealed weapon.

If the statistics were to show this to be true - why  do you think that is - because they’re black?

18 hours ago, Waldo said:

Also, are there other overlapping factors (e.g. representation of different ethnicities in gangs) which result in a higher proportion of black people coming in to contact with police?

Could you also think of any other reasons why this might happen - other than because of ethnicity.


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1 hour ago, makapaka said:

If the statistics were to show this to be true - why  do you think that is - because they’re black?

Could you also think of any other reasons why this might happen - other than because of ethnicity.

You're asking why I think black people perhaps have more contact with police? I don't know that that's the case, I haven't looked at all relevant statistics; but assuming it is, I'd suspect generally, it's about poverty, and perhaps the kind of negative feedback loop I've mentioned previously on other threads.


My point is, there should be a fully detailed analysis of relevant statistics, so we can get a true and clear picture of the situation. You have to know objectively what you're dealing with, before you can effectively address it.


People are highly emotive though (especially about this particular subject), and don't seem interested in looking at statistics and trying to get a fair and clear picture of things. Just look at the video someone posted earlier in this thread.

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, Waldo said:

 I'd suspect generally, it's about poverty, and perhaps the kind of negative feedback loop I've mentioned previously on other threads.

I’d agree - plus other issues relating to restricted opportunities due to race.


so the vicious circle - a particular race has issues with inequality that causes behaviour which results in potentially more encounters with the police and other social problems.


they seek to campaign against the inequalities causing these problems but are told they shouldn’t be heard because they need to deal with the social problems first......




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2 hours ago, makapaka said:

I’d agree - plus other issues relating to restricted opportunities due to race.


so the vicious circle - a particular race has issues with inequality that causes behaviour which results in potentially more encounters with the police and other social problems.


they seek to campaign against the inequalities causing these problems but are told they shouldn’t be heard because they need to deal with the social problems first......

What restricted opportunities due to race?


How do we know opportunities are not restricted due to some other factor, for example poverty. It could be that black people tend to be poorer, and poorer people tend to have less opportunities. In such a scenario, opportunities are not being denied on the basis of race, but on the basis of poverty.


Yes, let's do something to tackle poverty, and inequality of opportunity for the poor, but let's not make it about race and inadvertently increase racial tension, and promote the kind of victim mentality mindset negative feedback loop I'm referring to (and posted about on another thread if you're interested).


I'm also curious, as to why we pay so much attention to the fate of one particular social group in another country; while at the same time, other social groups in other countries, are far worse off, and treated much more harshly by the authorities there. I guess because nobody is rioting and tearing up the streets on their behalf...

Edited by Waldo
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As the world's leading democracy we kind of expect better of the US.

But as a section of the population were treated as chattel. ,then upgraded to be worth only 2/3:rds of a white person.

Systemically kept down and only got full voting rights in the 60s .

Even in WW2 the US army was segregated by race .


Red line policies prevented  restricted black families from property buying and building family wealth ,that's a big reason the average family net worth between black and white is cavernous in the US.


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10 hours ago, despritdan said:

It's also ironic that this so called campaigner against racism was being prosecuted for racial slurs against a police officer when she was shot by a black criminal. Perhaps they should call themselves Black Lives Matter Except To Black People and It's Alright To Be Racist To White People.

Hey there smiler, you ok hun :wave:


I just gotta say thank you for posting this.


It's Alright To Be Racist To White People is an amazing name for my new death metal rock band



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22 minutes ago, butlers said:

Red line policies prevented  restricted black families from property buying and building family wealth ,that's a big reason the average family net worth between black and white is cavernous in the US.

You'd have thought that the banks (certainly today) couldn't care less what colour you are; they only care how much money they can make from you, and of course how able they feel you are to repay a loan or mortgage.


If banks feel you're not a good bet because you happen to live in an impoverished area, and it just so happens that's where a lot of black people live, then it's not really a racially motivated thing. Yes, there is a correlation, but they are in fact discriminating on the basis of your wealth (or lack of wealth and ability to repay etc).


People who are poor and lack financial intelligence, tend to stay poor; people who are wealthy and financially intelligent, who know how and where to invest their capital, and tend to grow their wealth. White families becoming more affluent, while black families remain in poverty, is a nataral consequence of this dynamic; it's not a concerted, racially motivated effort to suppress them.


Also, I'd have thought, few people today have the time and energy to spend suppressing others on the basis of their ethnicity, most people are way more concerned with improving their own lot in life; and are happy for others to do the same, and to be successful, especially where that success is merited.

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