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My 21 year old daughter is getting lip fillers today. She is an adult and she can do what she wants.

She has had eyebrows tattooed, I find all these things strange, that people will do these things to their bodies.

Some people with these things done do look unatractive, so why do they do it?

I will ofter not take pain killers because there could be side effects. The younger generation seem to think that there are no down sides to their actions.

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31 minutes ago, El Cid said:

My 21 year old daughter is getting lip fillers today. She is an adult and she can do what she wants.

She has had eyebrows tattooed, I find all these things strange, that people will do these things to their bodies.

Some people with these things done do look unatractive, so why do they do it?

I will ofter not take pain killers because there could be side effects. The younger generation seem to think that there are no down sides to their actions.

I think the same..

What drives me mad, is the newsreaders grinning as often as the can to show of their whiter than white teeth  Grrr!

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Hope all goes well with your daughter El Cid, whatever happens.


I wonder if some young people feel a bit psychologically dissatisfied or unhappy with themselves, and feel that changing their outer appearance will change how they feel inside. However, the more you truly love and accept yourself, the less you need approval from other people.


Also, with these companies who are trying to sell people this nonsense people don't really need, I suspect are only trying to stoke this dissatisfaction, and drive people to buy their products and services. You know, with all the advertising etc; and, you need to look like celebrity X to be happy and fulfilled and loved by everyone. Sorry, but nine times out of ten, celebrity X is a brain dead walking bag of doggy do do, fake, lacking in character and depth, whose only talent is for self-promotion.

Edited by Waldo
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3 hours ago, El Cid said:

Some people with these things done do look unatractive, so why do they do it?

Most young people I see these days are too engrossed in constantly looking at social media sites and youtube etc on their phones and take too much notice of the many highly paid influencers promoting stuff on them. Most of the young women now look like Kardashian clones and are taken in by their publicity stunts which I find sad.



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56 minutes ago, Waldo said:

Hope all goes well with your daughter El Cid, whatever happens.

I believe these fillers are safe, but everything carries a risk. We have a relative and her mother is a hairstylist, so she looks rather OTT.

Another friend had it done and she looked ok. She does have one tattoo on her back, but she seems to have stopped at one.

A few years ago my then 50+ girlfriend got her first tattoo.

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I think it’s ok if it’s not overdone eg too much filler etc; When my boys left school for good, I told them : No motorbikes, no tatoos, and no piercings.! They said, “ But mom, we don’t want any of these things anyway” They are both successful in their chosen careers. One works in Washington DC and one has his own firm and is a property developer.

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On 02/06/2021 at 21:04, GabrielC said:

We live in a superficial society that puts on huge pressure to look a certain way in the belief that if we conform we will fit in. But we're never satisfied it like an relentless hunger. 

I agree. Besides the horrible lip fillers there is a tendency to ultra white teeth. 

Edited by pattricia
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