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Homesick After All These Years.

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4 hours ago, lazarus said:

The old Sheffield I knew and loved has long since disappeared, the city centre is a mess, seems all that get built is cafes, restaurants, pizza palaces, hotels , flats for the affluent and flatulent, the supposedly homeless, alcoholics and beggar numbers seem to get bigger everyday, shouting and swearing, generally making a nuisance of themselves.

The friendliness of people on the housing estates between neighbours has also disappeared, what were decent council homes are now ruined by the minority, windows smashed, bedsheets as curtains and never taken down from the day they are put up, children left to run riot. It was the highlight of my week going into town with my dad on a Saturday for a walk round the fish market, Woolworths and standing in Fitzallan Square listening to my dad chatting to someone he knew and even in the early sixties that visit to town on a Saturday I continued with my mates all of us sixteen years old. Memories I have will always be my look on what Sheffield was.

'Affluent and flatulent', Brilliant!!!

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