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Brian Or Carol Chisell

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I am searching for either or both Brian and Carol chisell (I think this is how you spell it) they lived on Stephen drive in grenoside.  I am told they are divorced and Carol moved to Scotland while Brian moved to Spain, does anyone know these people who could put me in touch?live in their old house and was hoping they would have some photographs  of it.


Thank you, Joanne 

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Ii am an old friend of Brian's from childhood when we both lived in Deerlands  Ave. My wife was friends with Carol from childhood also. they both lived in Hillsboro. You are right Carol and Brian are divorced. They met when through my now wife and I when we were courting back in 1963/4.  Carol is in Scotland and Brian is in Spain.  I last had contact with Brian a couple of years ago, so I have his email address somewhere.

I will see if I can find it and let you have it.


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Hiya Joanne

Looked all over for Brian's email, cannot find it . I have sent Brian a message via another method. 

Have you tried to get in touch with Carol on Facebook? I know she used to have a Facebook account but that was 4/5  years ago.

I will keep trying for you.

Hope you succeed


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Oh thank you so much for trying. I have tried to search for them both, but i don't know if Carol goes by another surname now as nothing came up.


Dis you ever visit them up at Grenoside?

If you could get in touch with Brian, could you give him my email



Thank you so much for your help

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Hi again.

No never did visit Grenoside.  As usual got married and went our different ways.

Will keep a look out for Brian, but if he has not replied to your post's I am thinking he no longer comes on this site.

Take care

Good luck

Eddie (Blackpool)

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