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Covid-19 At Meadowhall

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3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

No. Not at all. I'm tired of this charade and I'm getting tired of the emotional blackmail too. I'm sorry that lady lost her husband but if she's afraid to leave the house for fear of the maskless then her problems go much deeper than covid. 

To be fair I'm an ugly so and so. You'd think I'd jump at the chance to wear a face covering. I'd probably scare less children and small animals if I kept my mug covered. 

My sentiments entirely Daddio,

When I go out I always were a paper bag (ASDA bag for life) over my head, that way I kill 2 birds with one stone.

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Guest makapaka
4 hours ago, nikki-red said:

I was talking to a patient on our ward last week, she’d lost her husband last summer after he got seriously ill after catching Covid. 
She said she’s only just started venturing out again quite recently  but probably wouldn’t bother much again for a while as she feels too anxious due to all the people breaking the rules, particularly not wearing masks.

Regardless of what you believe, surely the knowledge that you were helping other people feel at ease, and more able to go out without being worried should be enough to make you wear one? 
It’s hardly a massive sacrifice.

I wear a mask in all the places I’m supposed to. Sometime I think it’s a waste of time - like when I have to wear a mask to stand in a pub until someone tells me to sit down - when I can take it off - madness.


Sometimes I’m glad of it - like when I get on a train at a busy station and I’m close to people.


pretending it’s nothing isnt right tho - it’s not normal - and the more people disregard any objection to it to it the less likely we ever are to stop doing it. It definitely removes social interaction.


difficult one like. Just needs some proper thinking and a proper message behind it so people know they’re not just doing it for the sake of it.

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Guest sibon

If anyone is in any doubt about the effect that masks and social distancing have, they should maybe take five minutes off searching for conspiracy theories to justify their actions. 

Reading this and thinking about it might be more beneficial:



2 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Hands , face ,space . Its really that simple . Not ideal but we are where we are . 

Not difficult either. And effective too. If you aren’t a sociopath.


Who would have expected us to find common cause?

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3 minutes ago, sibon said:

If anyone is in any doubt about the effect that masks and social distancing have, they should maybe take five minutes off searching for conspiracy theories to justify their actions. 

Reading this and thinking about it might be more beneficial:



Not difficult either. And effective too. If you aren’t a sociopath.


Who would have expected us to find common cause?

Not everyone shares your view. You can either deal with that, get on with your life and move on 

Or don't. Your choice. Like it's my choice if I no longer wish to were a mask and its my choice to refuse the jab. 

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Guest sibon
3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Not everyone shares your view. You can either deal with that, get on with your life and move on 

Or don't. Your choice. Like it's my choice if I no longer wish to were a mask and its my choice to refuse the jab. 

I’m sorry, but you don’t get to tell me to “move on”.  I’ll decide what I do, thanks.


Your choice is a minority one and  endangers others.


Make your choices. That’s fine. I’ll continue to call out people who make choices like yours because they affect so very many others.


That’s my choice. And my right.


Have another read at the article. It’s about airborne disease that we already have plenty of data on. Then extrapolate.

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1 minute ago, sibon said:

I’m sorry, but you don’t get to tell me to “move on”.  I’ll decide what I do, thanks.


Your choice is a minority one and  endangers others.


Make your choices. That’s fine. I’ll continue to call out people who make choices like yours because they affect so very many others.


That’s my choice. And my right.


Have another read at the article. It’s about airborne disease that we already have plenty of data on. Then extrapolate.

I didn't tell you to move on, I suggested it. 

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