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Colin Pitchfork To Be Released From Prison

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3 hours ago, El Cid said:

We sentance crininals to a certain period of time in prison, then when they have served that time, they are released.

Its quite simple, but it doesnt stop the Government from pandering to the masses with a pointless appeal.

I am aware of how it works thanks. I just don't think it's right. He raped and murdered two babies. 

He should never be allowed a life outside prison. 

Had it not been for him both those girls could have families but that was all taken away by this vile creature. 

Let's just hope no one decides to dish out a bit of street justice. 


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How many more children would he have murdered if he hadn’t been caught?


They say he has been rehabilitated what ever that means.  If this is the case and he’s now a changed man how can he live with the enormity of his crimes?  


He should take himself off to a high cliff somewhere near the sea and jump of it, then I will believe he really was a changed man who was unable to live with heinous crimes he had committed against children.


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40 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

How many more children would he have murdered if he hadn’t been caught?


They say he has been rehabilitated what ever that means.  If this is the case and he’s now a changed man how can he live with the enormity of his crimes?  


He should take himself off to a high cliff somewhere near the sea and jump of it, then I will believe he really was a changed man who was unable to live with heinous crimes he had committed against children.


Totally agree.    :thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, hauxwell said:

How many more children would he have murdered if he hadn’t been caught?


They say he has been rehabilitated what ever that means.  If this is the case and he’s now a changed man how can he live with the enormity of his crimes?  


He should take himself off to a high cliff somewhere near the sea and jump of it, then I will believe he really was a changed man who was unable to live with heinous crimes he had committed against children.

What a disgusting vile human being you are.


Clearly one of the moronic lock him up and throw away the key brigade who is convinced that nobody can possibly be rehabilitated or feel remorse for their crimes.  


So you feel the only way you will be satisfied that this offender is truly remorseful for their actions is by proceeding to watch them take their own life.  That is the sort of barbaric 'eye for an eye' attitude we are supposed to be evolved away from in this supposed civilised society.


Posts like yours just go to further emphasise why it's absolutely vital that important judicial decisions are kept as far away as physically possible from the the emotive, reactionary, ill-informed and quite frankly idiotic general public opinion.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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19 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I am aware of how it works thanks. I just don't think it's right. He raped and murdered two babies. 

He should never be allowed a life outside prison. 

Had it not been for him both those girls could have families but that was all taken away by this vile creature. 

Let's just hope no one decides to dish out a bit of street justice. 


If they do it puts them in the same gutter level as the criminals they seek to 'vigilante' punish and should quite rightly be forced to face the same  justice system as the exoffender they are attacking.


There are lots of things at those girls are no longer able to do. There are lots of things that the victim of a drunk driver cannot do after they are hit. There are lots of things that a victim of corporate negligence cannot do when they are catastrophically injured.  There are lots of things that a victim of of medical negligence cannot do if some doctors made a mistake..... 


However, that does not mean we resort to some neanderthal level of retaliation. Our justice system is based on punishment AND rehabilitation.  It is based on root cause and investigation and preventative measures and lesson learning and restoration.


Is sort of system which sets us apart from all the less civilized Nations in the world who even today are conducting abhorant acts which we hypocritically repel against when we see it on the news but have some of us champing at the bit to bring them back into our society whenever the mood suits. 


We've evolved and are better than lock up and leave them to rot.

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30 minutes ago, butlers said:

Ecconoob ,nailing it

I can’t think how I would feel regarding the killer and abuser of my child, I would not wish to insult the actual parents of these kids by pretending to know how they feel. 

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