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Abbeydale Sec Mod

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Did anyone go to Abbeydale Sec Mod.  I was there from 1957- 61 and loved and hated it.  My main Nemesis was Mr Wilson the PT teacher (who was also my class teacher in the 3rd year).  He loved to whack me with his 'slipper' (gymshoe), and used to say that it was punishment for something that I was likely to do later (but that he wouldn't see).  Then there was Mr Skinner, the maths teacher and Deputy head.   I was terrified of him for all of my first 3 years  and was often sent to him for caning by some other teacher, and he was brutal.  However, in the fourth year, he was my class teacher, and I thought he was great, a bit like Herr Flick but firm and fair.  I believe he later became the Head, after my time though.

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I was there for 2 years and left in 1966 for another school.

I remember Mr Wilson being a keen cricketer and often after a weekend he would turn up with lumps and bruises on his head where the cricket ball had hit him. Probably from disgruntled  ex students playing for the opposition.

Mel Randall

Edited by reg1
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I left in 1961.  I think that I may have like him in other circumstances, but, because I was completely rubbish at PT, he tended to pick on me, and use me as an example to the others etc.   I was good at swimming though but that didn't help.  The 'slipper' was more painful on wet trunks.

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There is another post on here about Abbeydale Secondary which is interesting  .I left in 1965 a very long time ago ,I remember Mr Wilson very well we used to do circuit training after school as we were in the netball team .climbing those ropes or trying to  >>>> what that had to do with netball I will never know disaster !!!!!

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I haven't managed to find the other post, but I'm new on here and have yet to master the intricacies of the system.  Interesting that you girls had to climb ropes for your netball training.  Maybe he was a bit of a perv?   Or maybe not.  He seemed fairly straight laced to me but a bit of a bully

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