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7 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Firstly calling people covid deniers is unproductive . People generally don't deny there is covid but not everyone is fooled by how bad msm and government are saying it is. 

Secondly, sorry to hear about your relatives. Did they have any underlying conditions? 

Thirdly calling names again (jab dodgers) is just puerile. 

I'm not having the jab, my kids aren't having the jab, it's our choice and not yours. You have it by all means but remember, once it's been done it can't be undone. Be part of the experiment if you like but for me and mine it's a big No thank you 👍

Our family's experience of Covid is in line with how msm and government said it might be. You are fooling yourself. You are denying (greatly) the seriousness of Covid, so Covid denier seems reasonable.


The correlation between underlying health conditions and seriousness of illness in our case was not that strong, the one who spent a week in bed at home is a smoker and big drinker, one who is fit and sporty was in hospital on oxygen, one who nearly died is overweight, one who died had lung condition (copd?)


I was lucky to get my jabs early (well done Heeley Green) and had no side effects beyond a bruised feeling lasting 2 days. Two months on I'm on a walking holiday and the mRNA from the vaccine has long gone, but the immunity will be with me for a long time. Time to get on with life.





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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

Our family's experience of Covid is in line with how msm and government said it might be. You are fooling yourself. You are denying (greatly) the seriousness of Covid, so Covid denier seems reasonable.







It's not reasonable. A 'covid denier' is someone who denies that covid exists. A person who believes covid exists, but that it's seriousness has been grossly exaggerated by media hysteria etc, is not a covid denier.

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19 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

It's not reasonable. A 'covid denier' is someone who denies that covid exists. A person who believes covid exists, but that it's seriousness has been grossly exaggerated by media hysteria etc, is not a covid denier.

OK covid skeptic then. 

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4 hours ago, Palomar said:

I was lucky to get my jabs early (well done Heeley Green) and had no side effects beyond a bruised feeling lasting 2 days. Two months on I'm on a walking holiday and the mRNA from the vaccine has long gone, but the immunity will be with me for a long time. Time to get on with life.

Me bold.


Unfortunately with the mRNA Pfizer and BioNtech vaccines the immunity seems to go down from around 95% when it is first originally given to around 64% after 6 months. Because of that both companies are now seeking authorisation for a third booster dose of the vaccine so something here is not quite right. Maybe it should now be a case of buy two get one free!

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12 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Absolutely 100% Agree. 

In fact I'd be very uncomfortable standing next to somone who has taken an experimental injection with no long term testing. I've been toying with the idea of banning people who have been jabbed from entering my home but seeing as I never get any visitors it would be a bit pointless. 

What about friends/family who have had the vaccine?

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11 hours ago, apelike said:

I personally chose the A/Z vaccine simply because that one was based on reliable known technology and I refuse to have anything to do with anything genetically modified including the mRNA vaccine. 

The AstraZeneca vaccine did involve genetic modification. One clue is the fact a (modified) chimp adenovirus ended up delivering genetic material coding for the spike protein of a coronavirus.

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5 hours ago, sibon said:

I don’t think you’ll have much choice if you are irrationally scared of standing next to vaccinated people.

Unless you know something no one else does (re long term effects) then you can't call it irrational. 

5 hours ago, Palomar said:

Our family's experience of Covid is in line with how msm and government said it might be. You are fooling yourself. You are denying (greatly) the seriousness of Covid, so Covid denier seems reasonable.... Snipped.. 





I stopped reading at this point. 

I can see your mind is made up and MSM has done a fabulous job on you. 

Have a lovely day 👍

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3 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

It's not reasonable. A 'covid denier' is someone who denies that covid exists. A person who believes covid exists, but that it's seriousness has been grossly exaggerated by media hysteria etc, is not a covid denier.

Very well said 👍

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1 hour ago, Zinger549 said:

What about friends/family who have had the vaccine?

Aside from the 2 people I've mentioned already I don't personally know anyone who has had it. My family consists of my two children and myself. We have no extended family. As for friends I don't ask them their medical status regarding jabs or any other medical procedure.

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4 hours ago, apelike said:

Me bold.


Unfortunately with the mRNA Pfizer and BioNtech vaccines the immunity seems to go down from around 95% when it is first originally given to around 64% after 6 months. Because of that both companies are now seeking authorisation for a third booster dose of the vaccine so something here is not quite right. Maybe it should now be a case of buy two get one free!

My point was that the mRNA has a half life in the body of say half an hour! While its effects last for comparatively ages.


I look forward to the booster, hopefully it will better deal with new variants.


I prefer the vaccine taking up the time of my ribosomes rather than a virus.

3 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I can see your mind is made up and MSM has done a fabulous job on you. 

Have a lovely day 👍

Death and life threatening illness in my family has made my mind up thanks.

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