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Mask Required?

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22 minutes ago, Becky B said:

I think there are several posters on here who will deny anything that doesn't fit their theories.  Like those claiming that 99.4% of the population only get mild symptoms and everyone who is severely affected is old/has underlying health conditions (this may be split between this thread and the Covid megathread,  it's all getting a bit repetitive).


If you're young and fit, how much do you want to gamble that you don't have undiagnosed underlying health conditions that may suddenly materialise when you catch a virus that could be avoided?

I deny to benefit of masks. They do nothing other than force the wearer to breathe their own bacteria. 

I deny the need for a rushed jab which is still in the trial stage and has no long term data. 

I deny the need to jab anyone (even if it works) unless they are old, frail etc. 

I deny the need to jab kids full stop. 


If you want to wear a mask go for it. 

Ditto with the jab. 

Just don't try and force, coerce or try and shame other people into doing something YOU want them to do because YOU are scared of everything, including fresh air. 

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

I deny to benefit of masks. They do nothing other than force the wearer to breathe their own bacteria. 

I deny the need for a rushed jab which is still in the trial stage and has no long term data. 

I deny the need to jab anyone (even if it works) unless they are old, frail etc. 

I deny the need to jab kids full stop. 


If you want to wear a mask go for it. 

Ditto with the jab. 

Just don't try and force, coerce or try and shame other people into doing something YOU want them to do because YOU are scared of everything, including fresh air. 

Somebody scared of ickle needles?

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13 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I deny to benefit of masks. They do nothing other than force the wearer to breathe their own bacteria. 

I deny the need for a rushed jab which is still in the trial stage and has no long term data. 

I deny the need to jab anyone (even if it works) unless they are old, frail etc. 

I deny the need to jab kids full stop. 


If you want to wear a mask go for it. 

Ditto with the jab. 

Just don't try and force, coerce or try and shame other people into doing something YOU want them to do because YOU are scared of everything, including fresh air. 

I got jabbed not because I'm "scared" of covid, but because I don't want to catch it. Your choice of words is frankly bizarre.


Did you have something to eat today because you're scared of being hungry? Probably not, you ate because you didn't want to be hungry.

Edited by Bargepole23
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2 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

I got jabbed not because I'm "scared" of covid, but because I don't want to catch it. Your choice of words is frankly bizarre. 

As bizarre as somone walking up to a shop, taking a dirty contaminated mask out of their pocket, wearing it whilst in the shop then immediately removing it once outside only to stick it in the same pocket as they took it from? 


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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

You simply will not have it that you can die without "underlying health conditions" will you.

I'm simply pointing out that underlying health conditions can easily remain undiagnosed. Given that so many people have had covid with little or no ill effects it seems reasonable that the minority who have suffered seriously would have had some underlying condition, even if it's only a genetic variation making them unusually susceptible to the virus. Do you have a alternative hypothesis as to why the virus is so harmless to so many, yet serious/fatal to others who have no diagnosed underlying conditions?

20 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Thank you.


There is also the presumption that anyone with an underlying / pre-existing condition is at deaths door (having had colleagues with diabetes for many years I know this simply isn't true).

Not Really, certainly not in my case. Look at heart disease- a major risk factor for serious issues when infected with covid; yet for many, heart disease is symptomless- the first sign being a [often fatal] heart attack.


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4 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:


Did you have something to eat today because you're scared of being hungry? Probably not, you ate because you didn't want to be hungry.. 

Yeah, my choice of words is bizarre 🙄

On the bizarre choice of words scale you beat me hands down. 

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49 minutes ago, Becky B said:

I think there are several posters on here who will deny anything that doesn't fit their theories.  Like those claiming that 99.4% of the population only get mild symptoms and everyone who is severely affected is old/has underlying health conditions (this may be split between this thread and the Covid megathread,  it's all getting a bit repetitive).



What is the true figure [roughly, with evidence]?

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27 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

No. Up until 2 years ago I regularly gave blood so that can't be it. 

Go on, have another try. 

You are 'scared' to clearly state your arguments and indicate your data sources. I suspect that is because at some level you know there may be flaws in them and you don't want them found. You stated that 99.9%+ of those who get covid recover. Maybe you mis-spoke or perhaps you got over-enthusiastic in your assertions but you have never been willing to back this assertion up with a specific argument and specific data.


The scientists all do this in an open transparent way ... they do not say do your own research or google it.

Edited by Carbuncle
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50 minutes ago, Becky B said:



If you're young and fit, how much do you want to gamble that you don't have undiagnosed underlying health conditions that may suddenly materialise when you catch a virus that could be avoided?

For many, they just want the choice- the right to make their own decision about what risk they are willing to take.

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