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Mask Required?

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Just now, Carbuncle said:

You are 'scared' to clearly state your arguments and indicate your data sources. I suspect that is because at some level you know there may be flaws in them and you don't want them found. You stated that 99.9% of those who get covid recover. 

No I didn't. You see? This is why I don't bother posting proof or links anymore. People just don't want to read stuff that goes against their own views. 

I get it. You think covid is as serious as we've been led to believe. 

You think the restrictions are a good thing. 

I just happen to disagree.

Get jabbed wear a mask and you are golden right?  You're protected and safe from the worst think to hit the human race since Tommy Robinson. 

Just don't expect everyone else to go along with it 

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11 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:
20 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

You are 'scared' to clearly state your arguments and indicate your data sources. I suspect that is because at some level you know there may be flaws in them and you don't want them found. You stated that 99.9% of those who get covid recover. 

No I didn't

As the last sentence of post #6775 of the coronavirus thread you stated: "But hey, this is to save everyone from a virus with a 99.9%+ survival rate which is practically harmless to kids."


If you are no longer happy with this statement that's fine just say so.

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Guest sibon
49 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

No I didn't. You see? This is why I don't bother posting proof or links anymore. People just don't want to read stuff that goes against their own views. 

I get it. You think covid is as serious as we've been led to believe. 

You think the restrictions are a good thing. 

I just happen to disagree.

Get jabbed wear a mask and you are golden right?  You're protected and safe from the worst think to hit the human race since Tommy Robinson. 

Just don't expect everyone else to go along with it 

Who would want to believe science when you can believe The Daddy.

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1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

I'm simply pointing out that underlying health conditions can easily remain undiagnosed. Given that so many people have had covid with little or no ill effects it seems reasonable that the minority who have suffered seriously would have had some underlying condition, even if it's only a genetic variation making them unusually susceptible to the virus. Do you have a alternative hypothesis as to why the virus is so harmless to so many, yet serious/fatal to others who have no diagnosed underlying conditions?

Not Really, certainly not in my case. Look at heart disease- a major risk factor for serious issues when infected with covid; yet for many, heart disease is symptomless- the first sign being a [often fatal] heart attack.


If I may be so bold, do you have an underlying health condition?

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I deny to benefit of masks. They do nothing other than force the wearer to breathe their own bacteria. 

I deny the need for a rushed jab which is still in the trial stage and has no long term data. 

I deny the need to jab anyone (even if it works) unless they are old, frail etc. 

I deny the need to jab kids full stop. 


If you want to wear a mask go for it. 

Ditto with the jab. 

Just don't try and force, coerce or try and shame other people into doing something YOU want them to do because YOU are scared of everything, including fresh air. 

No one is forcing, but the second part where you include being scared of fresh air, takes any logic (flawed as it was) into completely flawed logic. 

1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

As bizarre as somone walking up to a shop, taking a dirty contaminated mask out of their pocket, wearing it whilst in the shop then immediately removing it once outside only to stick it in the same pocket as they took it from? 


That's fine by me. As long as they don't cough in the shop without their dirty mask, the fact that they themselves have touched it and touched surfaces doesn't bother me, as I clean my own hands. And most shops clean more regularly now anyway.

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8 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

No one is forcing????? We've got compulsory masking!

Apart from the genuinely disabled - and all the big men who pretend to be..............................................

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11 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

No one is forcing????? We've got compulsory masking!

In enclosed spaces, but not for long. 


At any point, where have you been 'forced to' to wear one?


To be fair, if it wasn't for the poor intelligence of so many people it wouldn't need to have been put in law.



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I got on a bus one day last week and already it seems like some people aren’t bothering to cover their faces.  One of these people also kept sniffing and snorting loudly. I know that might mean they had hay fever or a bit of a cold or just were disgusting with bad manners but it doesn’t inspire confidence about using public transport. I’m no big fan of wearing a mask but can see no logic in leaving it up to passengers to decide whether they cover their face. Covid cases are going up a lot now and of course vaccines will help massively but they are not 100% effective and not everyone is fully vaccinated yet. 50k + cases a day will not be without consequences. 

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