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Mask Required?

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2 minutes ago, makapaka said:

What are the other side effects? 

and how many people do you know that have had long term problems after having the vaccine?

I'm sure you know what the most common are. 

Even the "vaccine" manufacturers don't know the long term effects due to them still being in the trial stages. 

But I know of a young women close to me who was pregnant, got jabbed then miscarried inside a week. She is adamant it was the jab and I believe her. Her baby is now dead so you could call that a long term effect. 

I also know of a chap who suffers from Bells Palsy as a direct result of the jab. Thankfully most people I know are switched on enough to not be part of this experiment and so have no intention of getting the jab. 

1 minute ago, butlers said:

Think the Daddy is likely scared of becoming magnetic ,a widely believed vax side effect,( in the rationally challenged community)

It would be more polite to address that to me directly don't you think? 

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Guest makapaka
2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm sure you know what the most common are. 

Even the "vaccine" manufacturers don't know the long term effects due to them still being in the trial stages. 

But I know of a young women close to me who was pregnant, got jabbed then miscarried inside a week. She is adamant it was the jab and I believe her. Her baby is now dead so you could call that a long term effect. 

I also know of a chap who suffers from Bells Palsy as a direct result of the jab. Thankfully most people I know are switched on enough to not be part of this experiment and so have no intention of getting the jab.

There have been 78 million jabs in this country alone and 2,000,000,000 worldwide.


So - you only know 2 people that have had coronavirus but there have been a reported 1,850,000,000 cases worldwide and 4,000,000 people have died. 

you don’t know anyone that has died from the vaccine but know a girl who sadly lost her baby but you don’t know if it’s from the vaccine and a guy who got Bell’s palsy but presumably don’t know if that was from the vaccine either.


but Covid is a minuscule risk and the vaccine is a worry to you.


Does that make any logical sense to you?

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Guest makapaka

Just to make it a bit more straightforward -  if your 1% risk for Covid is correct  - and the risk was say 1.25% having had the jab - there would be almost 1,000,000 people severely affected by the vaccine in this country now.


where are all those people?

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5 minutes ago, makapaka said:

There have been 78 million jabs in this country alone and 2,000,000,000 worldwide.


So - you only know 2 people that have had coronavirus but there have been a reported 1,850,000,000 cases worldwide and 4,000,000 people have died. 

you don’t know anyone that has died from the vaccine but know a girl who sadly lost her baby but you don’t know if it’s from the vaccine and a guy who got Bell’s palsy but presumably don’t know if that was from the vaccine either.


but Covid is a minuscule risk and the vaccine is a worry to you.


Does that make any logical sense to you?

Again, you seem to believe figures that I don't. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. 

Those two people I know personally are two of the very few people I know who had the jab. The rest wouldn't have it for any reason and I'm with them. 

You get jabbed if you like, more power to you but I won't be having it, neither will my kids, neither are any of my closest friends. Most people in my circle have been 100% maskless from the beginning of this pantomime and they are all fine. 

I have wore a mask on a occasion but for the most part I've not bothered and I'm fine too. My daughter had never wore a mask and she goes to college, the gym, out with friends and she hasn't had so much as a sniffle, my son has been very ill for almost 4 years and he's never wore a mask and apart from his underlying illness he's been fine too with not so much as a sniffle. 

Now with all that in mind tell me why I should be injected for a virus with such an overwhelming recovery rate?


2 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Just to make it a bit more straightforward -  if your 1% risk for Covid is correct  - and the risk was say 1.25% having had the jab - there would be almost 1,000,000 people severely affected by the vaccine in this country now.


where are all those people?

I never said 1%

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Guest makapaka
1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Again, you seem to believe figures that I don't. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. 

Those two people I know personally are two of the very few people I know who had the jab. The rest wouldn't have it for any reason and I'm with them. 

You get jabbed if you like, more power to you but I won't be having it, neither will my kids, neither are any of my closest friends. Most people in my circle have been 100% maskless from the beginning of this pantomime and they are all fine. 

I have wore a mask on a occasion but for the most part I've not bothered and I'm fine too. My daughter had never wore a mask and she goes to college, the gym, out with friends and she hasn't had so much as a sniffle, my son has been very ill for almost 4 years and he's never wore a mask and apart from his underlying illness he's been fine too with not so much as a sniffle. 

Now with all that in mind tell me why I should be injected for a virus with such an overwhelming recovery rate?


Yeah - again - it’s that daft logic where you apply your own experience to the entire planet.


its flawed logic.


you’re wrong - just don’t be moaning about lockdowns and restrictions  etc - cos they will always be around when people apply flawed logic.

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8 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Yeah - again - it’s that daft logic where you apply your own experience to the entire planet.


its flawed logic.


you’re wrong - just don’t be moaning about lockdowns and restrictions  etc - cos they will always be around when people apply flawed logic.

I won't moan about lockdowns because I know more are on the way. Lockdowns are the new normal. I'm fine with them. I'm not fine with being Injected with some cocktail of chemicals that is yet to be proved safe. 

Simple really. 

I respect your position I just don't agree with it. 

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Guest makapaka
9 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I won't moan about lockdowns because I know more are on the way. Lockdowns are the new normal. I'm fine with them. I'm not fine with being Injected with some cocktail of chemicals that is yet to be proved safe. 

Simple really. 

I respect your position I just don't agree with it. 

I’ll just say one more thing - for my own conscience if anything - you’re gonna get Covid - we all are at some point.


I don’t know you’re age / health - but vaccination will massively reduce your risk regardless. Especially if you’re over 40.


ive always agreed it’s the individuals choice to have one or not - but don’t be an example of an “I told you so” for gods sake.

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Just now, makapaka said:

I’ll just say one more thing - for my own conscience if anything - you’re gonna get Covid - we all are at some point.


I don’t know you’re age / health - but vaccination will massively reduce your risk regardless. Especially if you’re over 40.


ive always agreed it’s the individuals choice to have one or not - but don’t be an example of an “I told you so” for gods sake.

I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to post that but I will be standing firm with my decision. 

However, once the jabs have finished their trials and any and all side effects (both longterm and short term) are established and it proves beneficial I could reconsider. It's unlikely but never say never eh. 


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29 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to post that but I will be standing firm with my decision. 

However, once the jabs have finished their trials and any and all side effects (both longterm and short term) are established and it proves beneficial I could reconsider. It's unlikely but never say never eh. 


It is proving beneficial - why do you think hospitalisations and deaths aren't increasing at anything like the rate of infections?

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