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Mask Required?

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2 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Semple like the rest of the mainstream media has been paid to peddle this BS (£350m was the war chest), he's probably got a nice retirement lined up for keeping the narrative running, nice work if you can get it, the rest of us just have to face reality everyday and see what a farce this exaggerated nonsense has become.


Some survival tips:


The virus is easily transmissible but if you buy a £1.79 lanyard off Amazon, get a job in a supermarket, become a footballer or a celebrity or an MP or a toff you're totally immune. Don't forget either if you wear a mask below your nose or don't even bother with a mask a just pull your t-shirt up or wear a bandanna you'r also immune from catching one of the deadliest airborne viruses in history.


Sobering stuff.


Be careful out there

Are you sure you're sober?

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Guest sibon
7 hours ago, top4718 said:

Semple like the rest of the mainstream media has been paid to peddle this BS (£350m was the war chest), he's probably got a nice retirement lined up for keeping the narrative running, nice work if you can get it, the rest of us just have to face reality everyday and see what a farce this exaggerated nonsense has become.


Some survival tips:


The virus is easily transmissible but if you buy a £1.79 lanyard off Amazon, get a job in a supermarket, become a footballer or a celebrity or an MP or a toff you're totally immune. Don't forget either if you wear a mask below your nose or don't even bother with a mask a just pull your t-shirt up or wear a bandanna you'r also immune from catching one of the deadliest airborne viruses in history.


Sobering stuff.


Be careful out there

Sobering stuff indeed😀

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

Covid-19 in a nutshell, copy and paste this for future reference:


China releases a virus


The Western tabloids exaggerate it beyond belief - dying on the streets in China (fake), lines of coffins in Italy (fake), couple this with horror stories from sufferers (exaggerated) the British Government then did the classic "tail wagging the dog" scenario and introduced draconian regulations for what to people who wouldn't be normally affected by the winter flu a mild illness. The conversation went like this:


Matt Hancock - Boris we've shut the whole country down for a heavy cold


Boris - Alter the death stats make it look super deadly


MH - Ok, most people won't notice though as it mostly affects the elderly and really sick


BJ - (thinks for a while) - we need to keep the proles thinking there's something out there or they'll just get back to normal


MH - What about masks?


BJ - Well they don't do anything but it's a constant reminder that this deadly virus is out there, they'll forget otherwise


Three months later


BJ - Have we sorted those vaccines yet


MH - Well we've got something we can pump into them, it doesn't work and causes endless problems but that £350m you've given to the press will stop any negative news


BJ - Go for it


Three months later:


MH - Boris we've jabbed all these people with this stuff and cases are still rising, what do we do


BJ - Can we blame the people who aren't stupid enough to have it by some means?


MH (privately) - I can't do this but I might be able to use that camera above my office door..........


New Health Secretary Sajid Javid appointed:


BJ - Right Savid, Hancock had no idea how to break the news that these vaccines are not working


SJ - Leave it with me Boris, I'll lift all restrictions and when vaccine illnesses and deaths occur we can blame the people that wanted restrictions lifted


BJ - Sajid, I'm so pleased you replaced that idiot you'll go a long way.





Can you expand on this?



What does 'release' mean?


Do you mean it deliberabtely 'released this', and if so, what's the point in releasing a pretty much harmless flu as you state?






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5 hours ago, sibon said:

Hi tops.


It’s a real shame to see you like this.


Look after yourself a little more carefully and do take heed of the fact that the unvaccinated members of the herd are about to take the sharp end of what’s to come.


If that’s you, of course.

Did the Guardian tell you this, the only people that should be worried are the ones that have allowed themselves to be pumped full of an experimental vaccine.

4 hours ago, *_ash_* said:



Can you expand on this?



What does 'release' mean?


Do you mean it deliberabtely 'released this', and if so, what's the point in releasing a pretty much harmless flu as you state?






It’s frightening people like you to death, it’s more than done it’s job 😂

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2 hours ago, top4718 said:

Did the Guardian tell you this, the only people that should be worried are the ones that have allowed themselves to be pumped full of an experimental vaccine.

It’s frightening people like you to death, it’s more than done it’s job 😂

I would presume all vaccines are developed by experiment and other scientific methods, to prove their efficacy, why would this be any different and therefore why would need to describe it as such?


You surely don't believe that these are novel vaccines, developed from scratch in a matter of months? Rather than the developments of existing, which were and are under constant research and development long before this came along? 

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Guest makapaka
8 hours ago, top4718 said:

Semple like the rest of the mainstream media has been paid to peddle this BS (£350m was the war chest), he's probably got a nice retirement lined up for keeping the narrative running, nice work if you can get it, the rest of us just have to face reality everyday and see what a farce this exaggerated nonsense has become.


Some survival tips:


The virus is easily transmissible but if you buy a £1.79 lanyard off Amazon, get a job in a supermarket, become a footballer or a celebrity or an MP or a toff you're totally immune. Don't forget either if you wear a mask below your nose or don't even bother with a mask a just pull your t-shirt up or wear a bandanna you'r also immune from catching one of the deadliest airborne viruses in history.


Sobering stuff.


Be careful out there

Who would have thought a mass global conspiracy would be cracked by a guy on a internet forum in Sheffield  with Darren Moore as his profile.


or are you Darren Moore - and Wednesday were relegated cos you were too preoccupied with unravelling the unparalleled level of deceit to realise that playing one up front wasn’t working?

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4 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

I would presume all vaccines are developed by experiment and other scientific methods, to prove their efficacy, why would this be any different and therefore why would need to describe it as such?


You surely don't believe that these are novel vaccines, developed from scratch in a matter of months? Rather than the developments of existing, which were and are under constant research and development long before this came along? 

Regardless its still an experimental vaccine, I know of more people who are ill due to it than of covid.


Interesting that the MHRA have now officially added Myocarditis to the long list of potential side effects of the Pfizer and Moderna  vaccines, particularly in the young, injecting kids with this is criminal.


I'd be very worried what the future holds if I'd been foolish enough to have it.

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4 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

You surely don't believe that these are novel vaccines, developed from scratch in a matter of months? Rather than the developments of existing, which were and are under constant research and development long before this came along? 

Out of the most popular vaccines available so far the A/Z vaccine is based on previous past research as it uses a dead monkey virus as a carrier, so the concept of how to do that has been around for some time. The other main common ones in use, the Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech ones are new genetic vaccines and have had their genetic code sequenced by a computer so it is a very new concept in the way vaccines are produced.



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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, top4718 said:


I'd be very worried what the future holds if I'd been foolish enough to have it




1 hour ago, top4718 said:

Regardless its still an experimental vaccine, I know of more people who are ill due to it than of covid.

How many, with what, and for how long?

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1 hour ago, makapaka said:




How many, with what, and for how long?

I only know of one person that's been hospitalised with Covid, 5 days with low bloods, now fine.


I know of two people who had to go in with blood clots (one quite serious and still in recovery), I know three people who have swollen, inflamed knee joints and one with an inflamed elbow (bursitis), I also know someone who had to be operated on for a anal fissure (very unpleasant), all these are listed as potential side effects on the various vaccines info pages (bursitis is Pfizer, the fissure Astra Zeneca.


Not for me thanks.

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