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Mask Required?

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9 hours ago, Padders said:

75 pages of Discussing Masks, and I'm still no wiser...

Can someone please clarify, do I wear a mask, or not.

This made me laugh @Padders


I've removed some of the choice comments last night, can we keep it civil on this discussing masks thread please! 

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cant wait for the big public enquiry that is surely coming in the next few years when i predict the wearing of masks will be shown to be inappropriate and totally unnecessary do nothing to protect the wearer or anyone around them. except for in hospitals and close face to face procedures.

the vast majority are probably using the same mask they have had for the past year ewwww! not many would go to the expense of the N95 masks which actually do filter out some virus and even those should be changed every 4 hours.

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I would like to make a small contribution to this excellent thread...


When buying a mask, surely they should have a leaflet attached to them explaining the do's and dont's.

I've just had a nasty experience at ASDA.

When arriving at their car park, I thought I don't need my mask, but just in case I put one in my left hand pocket..

In my right hand I was carrying my shopping bag...

As I walked through the car park, I noticed everyone was still wearing a mask, so not wanting to be different, I reached for my mask with my left hand, and, still walking, managed to hook it over my left ear, and then over my right ear...

Unfortunately, while still walking, I managed to pull it over both my eyes, this resulted in me stumbling into a badly parked Ford Mondeo, and falling over..

Apart from a few bruise's I was Ok.

BUT, what if I had stumbled into an oncoming car, this could have proved fatal..

Mask's should come with a government health warning, they can be hazardous.

Beware, and stay safe...

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32 minutes ago, Padders said:

I would like to make a small contribution to this excellent thread...


When buying a mask, surely they should have a leaflet attached to them explaining the do's and dont's.

I've just had a nasty experience at ASDA.

When arriving at their car park, I thought I don't need my mask, but just in case I put one in my left hand pocket..

In my right hand I was carrying my shopping bag...

As I walked through the car park, I noticed everyone was still wearing a mask, so not wanting to be different, I reached for my mask with my left hand, and, still walking, managed to hook it over my left ear, and then over my right ear...

Unfortunately, while still walking, I managed to pull it over both my eyes, this resulted in me stumbling into a badly parked Ford Mondeo, and falling over..

Apart from a few bruise's I was Ok.

BUT, what if I had stumbled into an oncoming car, this could have proved fatal..

Mask's should come with a government health warning, they can be hazardous.

Beware, and stay safe...


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2 hours ago, ab6262 said:

cant wait for the big public enquiry that is surely coming in the next few years when i predict the wearing of masks will be shown to be inappropriate and totally unnecessary do nothing to protect the wearer or anyone around them. except for in hospitals and close face to face procedures.

the vast majority are probably using the same mask they have had for the past year ewwww! not many would go to the expense of the N95 masks which actually do filter out some virus and even those should be changed every 4 hours.

100% agree 👏

I often try to educate people about how frequently they should change their mask and the majority of the time they are grateful for the information. It's shocking though that usually I am the first person to tell them they should change them regularly. 

2 hours ago, Padders said:

I would like to make a small contribution to this excellent thread...


When buying a mask, surely they should have a leaflet attached to them explaining the do's and dont's.

I've just had a nasty experience at ASDA.

When arriving at their car park, I thought I don't need my mask, but just in case I put one in my left hand pocket..

In my right hand I was carrying my shopping bag...

As I walked through the car park, I noticed everyone was still wearing a mask, so not wanting to be different, I reached for my mask with my left hand, and, still walking, managed to hook it over my left ear, and then over my right ear...

Unfortunately, while still walking, I managed to pull it over both my eyes, this resulted in me stumbling into a badly parked Ford Mondeo, and falling over..

Apart from a few bruise's I was Ok.

BUT, what if I had stumbled into an oncoming car, this could have proved fatal..

Mask's should come with a government health warning, they can be hazardous.

Beware, and stay safe...


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3 hours ago, bassett one said:

JUST GOT MY PAPERWORK,so easy and will help me enjoy a safer freedom,are others getting there certificates of proof?


Not only have you given up your own freedoms but you've helped whittle away at others freedoms too. 

We'll played you... 

3 hours ago, bassett one said:

but you could do soon,i think in certain instance ie football matchs,clubs ect,it should be the rule,also its no harm having the paperwork ,its free and has codes ect.

My bold. 

Yeah, just papers. What could possibly go wrong 🙄



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