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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

During and after the War in Heeley, neighborhood crime was almost non existant. No vandalism,  kids could stay out safely in the parks, and on the streets after dark, and old folks were safe.


Back doors were rarely locked, and you could leave your bike out back.


Nobody stole from their neighbors. The community managed to take care of its own quite well.

Load of  crap.


Didn't happen or just didn't get to hear about it as much as nowadays thanks to the instant communication have??   Is life on the street really that much more dangerous today or is it just the exaggerated and sensationalized culture of fear which has grown.


Let's not pretend that burglary, assault, yobbish behaviour, vandalism, paedophilia and granny bashing is some newfangled concept.


You know what we also had back in those "good old days" lower life expectancy, limited welfare state, limited employment rights, child labour, rampant racism, rampant sexism, slums, dire domestic facilities, outside toilets, life-threatening levels of pollution, hazardous industrial practices....  


Some people really do have the rose tinted glasses glued on.  If we were back in the so-called good old days, the clearly mentally disturbed individual subject to the original post would presumably be chucked out onto the streets and left the fester.  


Maybe that's ok to some people but I'd like to think we are slightly more civilised and forgiving than that. The troublemaker clearly has issues for which they of course should be penalised for controlled but as with another hotly debated topic on another thread, we shouldn't be just tossing people aside and abandoning them. 

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6 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Load of  crap.


Didn't happen or just didn't get to hear about it as much as nowadays thanks to the instant communication have??   Is life on the street really that much more dangerous today or is it just the exaggerated and sensationalized culture of fear which has grown.


Let's not pretend that burglary, assault, yobbish behaviour, vandalism, paedophilia and granny bashing is some newfangled concept.


You know what we also had back in those "good old days" lower life expectancy, limited welfare state, limited employment rights, child labour, rampant racism, rampant sexism, slums, dire domestic facilities, outside toilets, life-threatening levels of pollution, hazardous industrial practices....  


Some people really do have the rose tinted glasses glued on.  If we were back in the so-called good old days, the clearly mentally disturbed individual subject to the original post would presumably be chucked out onto the streets and left the fester.  


Maybe that's ok to some people but I'd like to think we are slightly more civilised and forgiving than that. The troublemaker clearly has issues for which they of course should be penalised for controlled but as with another hotly debated topic on another thread, we shouldn't be just tossing people aside and abandoning them. 

That's saved me typing something very similar. 

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18 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Load of  crap.


Let's not pretend that burglary, assault, yobbish behaviour, vandalism, paedophilia and granny bashing is some newfangled concept......


.....Some people really do have the rose tinted glasses glued on.  If we were back in the so-called good old days, the clearly mentally disturbed individual subject to the original post would presumably be chucked out onto the streets and left the fester.  


Maybe that's ok to some people but I'd like to think we are slightly more civilised and forgiving than that. The troublemaker clearly has issues for which they of course should be penalised for controlled but as with another hotly debated topic on another thread, we shouldn't be just tossing people aside and abandoning them.

When people offload their family and community responsibilities, and leave all life's problems to "the government", it just engenders more problems for the Nanny State to solve for them.


Where I live, government support is almost non existent. So people rely on  close knit and extended family, and neighbors, for child support, caring for the aged etc. No nurseries or nursing  homes here to dump the kids and the old folks.


Here the elders of the family (abuelos and abuelas) are the most respected members of the family unit.


They keep house, do the cooking, watch the kids, while the young ones go out to work, and the kids they help raise, respect and love them.


In turn they remain an integral part of the family, among young folks, and remain with the family until they pass.


There's a 100 year old blind granny, who sits in front of the shack, and sways to the music, and listening to the street sounds. She remembers who I am, and I get a hug when I visit. She's surrounded by loving and caring relatives and neighbors.


It's a community I'm privileged to be part of.


When we walk down the street, everybody smiles and says hola. It's a hard life, but they are proud people, self reliant, resourceful, and retain the capacity to be happy and help each other.  I'm old, and there is no NHS, so there is motivation to eat properly, exercise and swim, and remain active. The minor aches and pains are treated with local home remedies that work.


Like the old days in Sheffield, there is crime, but very little directed at the local community. It just isn't tolerated,


Aside from stamping my passport when I arrive, I've had no interact with the government here in the 12 years I've been coming here.


Before I moved here, I lived in a condo apartment in Toronto for five years. I never got to know the neighbors next door, and if you volunteered a "good morning"  it was rare you'd get a  surprised response.  There's far more smiles on the street than I ever saw in Canada or the UK, these last 50 years. They don't complain about their politicians, they mostly ignore them.


There's more than one way to live your life, and you get to make the choice.




Edited by trastrick
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that sounds like the old days in england,not this modern ,often workshy folk that cause  problems to many in todays society,dont get me wrong,but most folk work,but theres a big culture of do nowt,scrounge,have kids,and no dads around ,and the tax payer pays,many of these type never work,just take,but this guy is at a even higher scale and cost to the taxpayer.

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