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Cristiano Ronaldo

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30 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Do you actually follow the game?


Stuff like this




He is a petulant child. "Mememememe". 

I hate Manure and I wouldn’t talk to them,you don’t know what’s gone off in the dressing room.

As for money in a nowt league I suppose you feel the same way about Pele,Kaiser,Moore,Best,Beckham and Rooney amongst others going abroad for cash.

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1 minute ago, ukdobby said:

I hate Manure and I wouldn’t talk to them,you don’t know what’s gone off in the dressing room.


OK, how about an example that doesnt involve Man U?




Like I said, he is utterly petulant. Doesnt get his own way, he sulks and everyone knows about it.


As for the rest of your post - yes, if they go abroad to an utterly rubbish league for cash when they could have moved to a proper club.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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7 minutes ago, ukdobby said:

Has he done it to any other club?


He was a tit at Juventus




Oh, and look at all of these




What point are you trying to prove?  If you dont agree he is petulant, thats absolutely fine, I am not going to lose any sleep over it. Not sure what Man U have to do with it, if any players goes to ANY club beneath their usualy standard solely for cash (like Ronaldo has), its pathetic.  Pele went to America when nobody cared about that league, didnt he?

Edited by HeHasRisen
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But no one cares about Saudi league?

You bring Manure into it not me.

I'm trying to say Ronaldo is not as bad as you make out and you asked about different examples which I gave.

now I've had enough of it there's another like you who think t they know it all and that's bad enough.

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3 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Its literally documented everywhere that Ronaldo is a petulant little brat, if you think its just me that had that opinion then I give up 🤣

Oh dear,

Just wait till he's presenting Match of The Day.

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On 24/03/2023 at 10:02, HeHasRisen said:

And no other decent club in Europe wanted him because a) he wants too much money, and b) his attitude absolutely stinks.


On 24/03/2023 at 14:56, HeHasRisen said:

Its literally documented everywhere that Ronaldo is a petulant little brat, if you think its just me that had that opinion then I give up 🤣

His attitude stinks it lets him down massively !!!!!...

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