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What Are People Paying For Gardeners?

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On 03/07/2021 at 11:44, trastrick said:

I would hope that a personal professional gardener (which infers a house with a garden) is not among the basket of goodies deemed "essential" to one's lifestyle.


Call me an old meanie, but your government cannot maintain "the spiraling current unsustainable National Debt", (  Guardian) and is piling up these debts in the name of the children not yet born who will ultimately be stuck with the bills for these generous (and unsustainable, remember?) benefits.


I think that is really mean and selfish.


In the past old folks, or the infirm, would have their family, or in a pinch, the neighbors help out with tasks like digging the garden, snow clearance from paths and steps, etc.


But today, as government becomes more and more responsible for everybody's personal lifestyle, nobody wants to know, or care.



What are you on?

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On 03/07/2021 at 07:48, trastrick said:

One would hope that folks paying 12.50 an hour for someone to do their gardening, are not government benefits.


One would also hope they are paying the VAT, and not paying cash under the table.

I seem to have provoked heated discussion here ,simply by answering a question - how much do people pay their gardeners - in an attempt to help the person who asked it!

How I choose to spend my money ( which has all been earned - and taxed!) is absolutely nothing to do with you,but I offer the following comments:-

We are neither ancient or infirm,but have a large garden which would be difficult to maintain without help.

Neither of us have ever claimed any sort of Government Benefit.

The gentleman who helps us in the garden did not in fact fix the hourly rate - I did,as I would not insult him by paying less for the excellent and reliable job he does.

I pay him by Direct Debit,clearly accountable -I have no idea what he puts on his Tax Return,but you maybe interested to know that he did in fact work for HMRC before he retired,so I imagine he knows the rules.I am pretty sure he is not liable for VAT,he would have to do an awful lot of gardening to reach the threshold!

Maybe you should think twice before passing judgement on people who do the right thing?


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Guest sibon
2 hours ago, Janet24 said:

I seem to have provoked heated discussion here ,simply by answering a question - how much do people pay their gardeners - in an attempt to help the person who asked it!

How I choose to spend my money ( which has all been earned - and taxed!) is absolutely nothing to do with you,but I offer the following comments:-

We are neither ancient or infirm,but have a large garden which would be difficult to maintain without help.

Neither of us have ever claimed any sort of Government Benefit.

The gentleman who helps us in the garden did not in fact fix the hourly rate - I did,as I would not insult him by paying less for the excellent and reliable job he does.

I pay him by Direct Debit,clearly accountable -I have no idea what he puts on his Tax Return,but you maybe interested to know that he did in fact work for HMRC before he retired,so I imagine he knows the rules.I am pretty sure he is not liable for VAT,he would have to do an awful lot of gardening to reach the threshold!

Maybe you should think twice before passing judgement on people who do the right thing?


That’s a fantastic post. Some of the judgemental nonsense written on this thread has been pretty revolting.

Stick around though. Not all threads end up like this .

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16 hours ago, Janet24 said:

I seem to have provoked heated discussion here ,simply by answering a question - how much do people pay their gardeners - in an attempt to help the person who asked it!

How I choose to spend my money ( which has all been earned - and taxed!) is absolutely nothing to do with you,but I offer the following comments:-

We are neither ancient or infirm,but have a large garden which would be difficult to maintain without help.

Neither of us have ever claimed any sort of Government Benefit.

The gentleman who helps us in the garden did not in fact fix the hourly rate - I did,as I would not insult him by paying less for the excellent and reliable job he does.

I pay him by Direct Debit,clearly accountable -I have no idea what he puts on his Tax Return,but you maybe interested to know that he did in fact work for HMRC before he retired,so I imagine he knows the rules.I am pretty sure he is not liable for VAT,he would have to do an awful lot of gardening to reach the threshold!

Maybe you should think twice before passing judgement on people who do the right thing?


No disrespect to you. I have no idea, or care about your circumstances.


I was expressing an abstract hope that gardener's professional fees were not considered part of the basket of goods and services, deemed essential to life in the U.K.


And the hope that the honor system of the recipient his reporting cash income is observed. We all know that cash payments received for household goods and services are often not reported.


When another poster asked the question, "Why cannot people on government benefits employ gardeners at £12.50 an hour?" I attempted to explain my opinion.


That's all.

Edited by trastrick
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On 02/07/2021 at 19:39, Janet24 said:

Here in North Notts,we pay £12.50 per hour - hope that helps.

i think thats pretty reasonable for a "gardener" , now when you say gardener do you mean the guy that cuts the lawn, edges it, cuts back brambles , weeds a few paths?......................or do you mean a proper gardener ? a person who understands planting, clearing laying out beds and all the above etc etc for which i think you will find you pay considerably more.

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