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The Near Total Failure Of The Us & Uk Occupation Of Afghanistan

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As the US and UK troops leave, having failed to do much other than prop up a mostly corrupt regime, the Taliban are reasserting control over the country. It's depressing, but not at all suprising - the idea that there is a military solution to situations like that in Afghanistan, particularly that armies of occupation can somehow 'sort it out' by clearly identifying who is Taliban and who isn't (impossible) and then getting rid of all those who are (impossible) seems to persist despite all the evidence to the contrary (see also Iraq, Libya). At least the UK's intervention, such as it was, in Syria was very short-lived. Imagine trying to extricate yourselves from that nightmare. These world 'leaders', the presidents and prime ministers who gladly spend billions of tax dollars on these failures, don't seem to have much up their sleeves, and just keep trying the same old failed strategies again and again. Meanwhile, when they have the opportunity to support something potentially useful, like helping establish an actual secular democracy in the middle east that might help to stabilise the region (i.e. Kurdistan), they look the other way because they 'don't want to upset Turkey' or some nonsense. I'm sure it won't be long before they are trying to persuade us that we need to support their next doomed mission, with the help of Call of Duty-style recruitment garbage aimed at unemployed 16 year olds in the towns they themselves neglected and foisted unemployment on.

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51 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

We had no business occupying Afghanistan in the first place. 

Such a disgusting waste of innocent lives and yet another stain on this nation. 

I think one of the reasons was the war on terror,

Especially after 9/11.

Wasn't the Taliban responsible for that atrocity.

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21 minutes ago, Padders said:

I think one of the reasons was the war on terror,

Especially after 9/11.

Wasn't the Taliban responsible for that atrocity.

That was Al-Qaida, but they'd used training camps in Afghanistan to prepare, with the Taliban's blessing. The Taliban were what was left from the insurgent force that the US military created to fight the USSR forces there. Apparently, actions have consequences, who knew?

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6 minutes ago, Waldo said:

I thought it was a really kind gesture, of the US military, to leave all those guns, arms, ammunition, military vehicles etc, behind for the Taliban to play with.

They kept giving arms and other assistance to the Mujahedeen even after the Soviet withdrawal, against the Afghan government. Then when it was all over they just walked away and left it as it was.

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1 hour ago, Padders said:

I think one of the reasons was the war on terror,

Especially after 9/11.

Wasn't the Taliban responsible for that atrocity.

Who knows who was responsible? 

You don't know. I don't know, only the people who organised it know what actually happened and who was responsible. 

The way I see it is at no time was our country, its borders, airspace or population in any danger from Al Qaida, The taliban or any other terrorist group from the Middle East. 

We went it the Afghanistan, killed untold 1000s of innocent civilians, told the population what to do, raided peoples houses, terrorised them and their kids and somehow our boys are the hero's and anyone who dare pick up a rifle to defend their homeland was a terrorist? 

Nah, that's plain wrong to me. 


Edited by The_DADDY
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11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Who knows who was responsible? 

You don't know. I don't know, only the people who organised it know what actually happened and who was responsible. 

The way I see it is at no time was our country, its borders, airspace or population in any danger from Al Qaida, The taliban or any other terrorist group from the Middle East. 

We went it the Afghanistan, killed untold 1000s of innocent civilians, told the population what to do, raided peoples houses, terrorised them and their kids and somehow our boys are the hero's and anyone who dare pick up a rifle to defend their homeland was a terrorist? 

Nah, that's plain wrong to me. 


That's about the way I see it too DADDY.  It's the same as if some nation invades our country and if we fight  back we are called terrorists and if Afghanistan wasn't bad enough we go and do the same thing in Iraq, twice.

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15 minutes ago, spilldig said:

That's about the way I see it too DADDY.  It's the same as if some nation invades our country and if we fight  back we are called terrorists and if Afghanistan wasn't bad enough we go and do the same thing in Iraq, twice.

One mans terrorist,  Is another mans freedom fighter.

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2 hours ago, spilldig said:

That's about the way I see it too DADDY.  It's the same as if some nation invades our country and if we fight  back we are called terrorists and if Afghanistan wasn't bad enough we go and do the same thing in Iraq, twice.



It's the old colonial (/racist/elitist) game still playing out.


So called "enlightened" Western liberals, always knowing what's best for the rest of the World.


How they should live, what kind of governments they should choose, and what laws they should pass.


And, how they should fuel their growing economies, now that the West has expropriated most of the World's resources to fatten, what at least half the population of the World (communist, Muslim and others) believe, is a declining Western decadent society.


It's a cultural Cold War, and sometimes it gets hot.


The truth is that the 30 or so Islamic factions are constantly at war with each other, but the one thing they all agree on, is that foreign occupation of their Sovereign countries must be opposed, by force, if necessary.


No matter how "well intentioned" those occupying forces claim to be. How would we feel if Islamic militants occupied Britain, under the auspices of the U.N., and tried to force Sharia Law on us?


This foreign occupation continues to be the single biggest recruitment tool the terrorists/freedom fighters have in their arsenal.


Bring the troops home!

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