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15 minutes ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

No private promoter can roll up and put a big screen up in the middle of town with prior consent from the council can they ? 

That's probably why HHR used the words "applying to..." in their earlier post.   


9 minutes ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

No other local authority has a football heritage like Sheffield….or 3 players in the side born in Sheffield…or have two well supported professional football clubs in the city … what an opportunity to show this once in life time event missed …but it sees the Council have better things to spend money on ….like a cycle lane on Derek Dooley way ..that went well didn’t it ? 


but it’s a pointless discussion as it’s not going to happen..

Realistically what is this great "football heritage" you speak of in this city. To the average man on the street these days they wouldn't have a clue nor care about it.


We don't have a mass of blue plaques all over the city pointing out historically important football related landmarks. We don't have bus loads of tourists coming in going on walking tours to see all the famous locations. We don't have some great Museum dedicated to the history of football. We don't have some ground of national importance hosting lots of big games. We don't even have a club that one could say is performing well in the top leagues.


I really do think you are pushing that heritage legacy agenda far too much.  I would say it arguable the our music scene is far more recognisable and established outside of our city limits than football, but even that barely gets a look in and certainly any real national-level importance. Any supposed of football legacy related to the city is way way way down the list to be any persuasive influence. 

3 minutes ago, sibon said:

How did a private promoter roll up and put on a festival in Hillsborough park? 


I’ve got a telly to watch the match on. Most others do too. If you want a beer shower, either shake a few cans up and open them in your face, or pop to the pub.


I’d rather the council spent my money on social care, or police, or helping kids into work.

Firstly because they are privately funding, secondly because they are operating under strict controls and third because they are part of the approved covid trial system.


Tramlines is not a equal comparison.

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

That's probably why HHR used the words "applying to..." in their earlier post.   


Realistically what is this great "football heritage" you speak of in this city. To the average man on the street these days they wouldn't have a clue nor care about it.


We don't have a mass of blue plaques all over the city pointing out historically important football related landmarks. We don't have bus loads of tourists coming in going on walking tours to see all the famous locations. We don't have some great Museum dedicated to the history of football. We don't have some ground of national importance hosting lots of big games. We don't even have a club that one could say is performing well in the top leagues.


I really do think you are pushing that heritage legacy agenda far too much.  I would say it arguable the our music scene is far more recognisable and established outside of our city limits than football, but even that barely gets a look in and certainly any real national-level importance. Any supposed of football legacy related to the city is way way way down the list to be any persuasive influence. 

Firstly because they are privately funding, secondly because they are operating under strict controls and third because they are part of the approved covid trial system.


Tramlines is not a equal comparison.

+1 for all this - what is this legacy? I was the first in our street to get a Grifter, so what!

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11 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

That's probably why HHR used the words "applying to..." in their earlier post.   


Realistically what is this great "football heritage" you speak of in this city. To the average man on the street these days they wouldn't have a clue nor care about it.


We don't have a mass of blue plaques all over the city pointing out historically important football related landmarks. We don't have bus loads of tourists coming in going on walking tours to see all the famous locations. We don't have some great Museum dedicated to the history of football. We don't have some ground of national importance hosting lots of big games. We don't even have a club that one could say is performing well in the top leagues.


I really do think you are pushing that heritage legacy agenda far too much.  I would say it arguable the our music scene is far more recognisable and established outside of our city limits than football, but even that barely gets a look in and certainly any real national-level importance. Any supposed of football legacy related to the city is way way way down the list to be any persuasive influence. 

Firstly because they are privately funding, secondly because they are operating under strict controls and third because they are part of the approved covid trial system.


Tramlines is not a equal comparison.

You are right , we dont have a great Museum dedicated to football history .   Shameful

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21 minutes ago, sibon said:

How did a private promoter roll up and put on a festival in Hillsborough park? 


I’ve got a telly to watch the match on. Most others do too. If you want a beer shower, either shake a few cans up and open them in your face, or pop to the pub.


I’d rather the council spent my money on social care, or police, or helping kids into work.

Funnily enough I’ve got a telly to watch it on as well …not keen on a beer shower either & thanks for the advice about popping to the pub ..wish I’d thought of that ……


Its all about opinions & ive put my two penneth in & clearly it’s rubbed up certain folk the wrong way …fair enough..


But I’m still right …! 




15 minutes ago, MJ01 said:

+1 for all this - what is this legacy? I was the first in our street to get a Grifter, so what!

Do you follow football? 

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4 minutes ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

Funnily enough I’ve got a telly to watch it on as well …not keen on a beer shower either & thanks for the advice about popping to the pub ..wish I’d thought of that ……


Its all about opinions & ive put my two penneth in & clearly it’s rubbed up certain folk the wrong way …fair enough..


But I’m still right …!

Hmmm... :huh:

I think I've spotted the problem here Mr Sheridan...


... you obviously need to be a bit more left! :hihi:

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7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Absolutely agree. Just looks like another excuse to do a bit of council bashing.


Perhaps if someone like yellow bus events or one of their equivalent offered to host the big screen the council will be more interested, but I agree with others that personally  it's a ridiculous idea and not one I would want our  already dwindling resources being spent on.


It may have escaped people's attention but covid has not gone away. Pubs, bars and restaurants still have very strict rules on numbers and how people access and use their services. At a time when there are still vast numbers of people in the city who are waiting either their first and/or second Vaccines, and in the middle of a very precarious time when the proposed lifting of restrictions could be repealed at any moment, do we really want to be deliberately setting up a mass gathering of loose crowds to watch a game of football.


Yes I get it is a national event. Yes I get it is  a rarity for the National squad to be in the final. Yes I get it is of great importance to many, but not all.  There are plenty of ways people can watch it either in a group or private setting.


Certain people and the hysterical Media may be talking as if the entire world is going to stop between 8-10 p.m. on Sunday but the reality is there are vast numbers of those who couldn't give a flying fig. It's just a football match.

You saying council bashing  you are more tory than anyone here 

5 hours ago, MJ01 said:

As it seems that no other local authority is doing anything similar either, & all the other local authorities have had an equally dreadful 18 months, it seems that no local authority has an appetite for this sort of thing. So SCC is no different to anyone else.


I put it to you, why not put the event on yourself? Perhaps your answer might be that you can't afford it as you've got better things to spend your money on. I suggest SCC would proffer a similar argument.


Maybe it would be time best spent lambasting all the private events companies who aren't taking advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity

Hold on so it's the biggest thing that  will happen in the UK this year  I bet Italy have screens 

2 hours ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

No other local authority has a football heritage like Sheffield….or 3 players in the side born in Sheffield…or have two well supported professional football clubs in the city … what an opportunity to show this once in life time event missed …but it sees the Council have better things to spend money on ….like a cycle lane on Derek Dooley way ..that went well didn’t it ? 


but it’s a pointless discussion as it’s not going to happen..

It is because of woke people who are clueless wake up people 

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1 hour ago, Sheridan1-0 said:

Do you follow football

Depends on your definition of 'follow' I suppose. I moved to Sheffield in 2001 & since then I've missed 3 Cefn Druids games - 1 when my wife died  & 2 games when my daughter was in a coma due to a car crash.


But to follow up a previous post of mine, so what 

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29 minutes ago, ormester said:

You saying council bashing  you are more tory than anyone here 

Hold on so it's the biggest thing that  will happen in the UK this year  I bet Italy have screens 

It is because of woke people who are clueless wake up people 

What the hell has my political allegiance, which you know nothing about, got to do with council bashing.  At least when I do make criticisms I have sufficient reason to.  


As for your second point, no it is certainly not the "biggest thing that will happen in the UK this year". It is a football match.  Nothing more nothing less. A simple sporting match which, contrary to every obsessive Media publication and Twitterati, a very high number of the UK population could not give two hoots about.


Actually, I will suggest there are a lot of bigger things that will happen to the UK this year which far outweighs a football match. How about the little thing of a global pandemic, the massive changes to economy and lifestyles which desperately need to get resolved and repaired, the major efforts in trying to make sure that the population gets vaccinated against a potentially fatal viral infection....  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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